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How To Avoid Fraud

How To Avoid Fraud Fraud can be costly to a startup. Take these steps to avoid fraud in your business. Separate accounting duties — have at least two people handling the accounting and separate their functions. Know your team — run background checks on new hires and know your business partners’ history and background.   Oftentimes […]

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Types of Financial Fraud

Types of Financial Fraud There are several types of financial fraud related to startups in the investment industry. Here’s a list to consider: Misrepresentations — fraudsters can lie about the value, risks, and costs of financial investments. This also includes misrepresenting the financial condition and omitting key facts. Regulatory violations — this includes securities law […]

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External Sources of Fraud

External Sources of Fraud There are several sources of fraud from outside a business. External sources of fraud pretend to be someone you trust. They create a sense of urgency and then demand payments. Here’s a list of common sources of external fraud: Fake invoices — the invoices show services rendered for work that was […]

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Internal Sources of Fraud

Internal Sources of Fraud There are several sources of fraud within a business. Here’s a list of internal sources to review: Identity theft — the capture and selling of personal information for illegal uses. This is done by fraudsters capturing employee information through bank accounts and tax returns.  Asset misappropriation — this is basically theft. […]

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Red Flags Indicating Fraud

Red Flags Indicating Fraud Most fraud in businesses comes from employees and the management team. Here’s a list of employee red flags to watch for: Lifestyle changes show expensive new possessions such as new cars and homes. Substantial personal debt Addictions such as gambling or alcohol cause behavior change. Employees who don’t take vacation or […]

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What Is Fraud?

What Is Fraud? Fraud is officially defined as:  “The use of one’s occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate misuse or misapplication of the employing organization’s resources or assets.” Fraud occurs in startups and small businesses and is usually through the action of a founder or employee. There are five elements of a fraud as […]

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How Does Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work?

How Does Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work? Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Chapter 13  bankruptcy reorganizes the debt and sets up a payment plan. The debtor can keep their house as long as they make the payments. The debtor has 3-5 […]

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How Does Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Work?

How Does Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Work? Chapter 11  bankruptcy reorganizes the company and sets up a debt repayment plan. Here is how Chapter 11 works: It starts with filing a petition with the bankruptcy court. The debtor must file a list of assets and liabilities and a list of income and expenses. The debtor stays […]

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How Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Work?

How Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Work? Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidates the company. Here is how Chapter 7 works: When a company goes into Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings, the bankruptcy trustee takes control of the company to liquidate the assets and pay the creditors. A Chapter 7 proceeding starts with a creditor filing a petition with […]

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What is Bankruptcy?

What is Bankruptcy? Business bankruptcy is meant to protect the personal assets of the owners of a firm. It gives your company a fresh start by relieving the business of debts. There are several types of bankruptcies. Consider these options for your business: Chapter 7 — Liquidation This shuts the business down and pays the […]

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Steps to Shutting Down a Startup

Steps to Shutting Down a Startup There are several steps to shutting down a startup. Here’s a list of key steps to follow: Pay what is owed to employees such as accrued vacation. Pay all providers such as contractors, software vendors, and others. Collect invoices from any outstanding accounts.  Notify all customers, partners, and vendors […]

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Preparing To Shut Down a Startup

Preparing To Shut Down a Startup Sometimes the startup you launched does not make it and must be shut down. In shutting down a startup take the following steps: Give an early warning signal to the employees. Let them know what is happening such as we’re raising additional funding. Give them a few month’s notice […]

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Shutting Down a Startup

Shutting Down a Startup Not all startups succeed. For those that don’t, there may come a time to shut it down. Here are some key points to consider in shutting down a startup: Before announcing the shutdown collect all accounts receivables. Sell any inventory left on hand. Notify investors first so they are aware. Notify […]

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Best Practices for Building a Company Culture

Best Practices for Building a Company Culture In building your company culture consider these best practices: Measure your company culture — review indicators that show how the company culture is performing such as employee engagement. Create rituals — establish activities you repeat consistently throughout the year to foster employee engagement and have fun. Storytelling — […]

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How To Foster Your Company Culture

How To Foster Your Company Culture A good company culture takes time and effort to build. Here are some steps to build out your company culture: Give outstanding benefits to the employees. Run team-building activities to encourage employee interactions.  Participate in community activities as a give-back. Promote wellness among employees and make it a part […]

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Signs of a Good Company Culture

Signs of a Good Company Culture Company culture is important for the success of a startup. Here are signs you have a good company culture: Employees feel they are respected and are treated with dignity. Leaders support the employees and help them succeed. Poor leaders are called out and removed from the organization. Leaders and […]

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How To Setup a Company Culture

How To Setup a Company Culture In building your company culture, realize you already have one for your startup. The initial hires have brought a culture to the company.  You can grow the company culture to a greater place. Consider these steps to grow and develop your company culture: Continue to hire people who share […]

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Before Building Your Company Culture

Before Building Your Company Culture Before building your company culture consider the following: Know your purpose Search for why your company exists. Identify your values Understand the core values of the company and what the company stands for. Hire the right people. Choose people who bring value to the company and fit the culture. Establish […]

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Characteristics of a Good Company Culture

Characteristics of a Good Company Culture A good company culture will manifest itself in several ways. Look for these signs of a good culture: Stable workforce — the employees stay with the company a long time and there’s minimal turnover. Friendly atmosphere —  relationships among employees go beyond that of colleagues. Engagement — employees are […]

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The Startup Company Culture

The Startup Company Culture The startup company culture brings a unique set of characteristics. Here’s a list of qualities to consider: Passion — the company is based on a driving passion to solve a problem or pursue a cause. Startups exude passion and everyone strives to work towards it. Personality — each startup has its […]

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Types of Company Culture

Types of Company Culture There are several types of company cultures. Here is a list to consider in building out the culture at your startup: Clan culture — this puts the team first and places everyone on the same level. This promotes equality rather than hierarchy. Customer culture — this puts the customer first. This […]

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Components of Company Culture

Components of Company Culture There are several components to building a company culture. Consider these elements in building out the culture at your startup: Purpose — the purpose of the company is the foundational element. The purpose motivates employees and drives the group toward a common goal. Growth — the company culture should provide for […]

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The Importance of Company Culture

The Importance of Company Culture Company culture shows the values, decisions, and behaviors of the founders and employees in a company. It’s important for founders to actively build the company culture. This is done primarily through the people you hire and the decisions you make. Building the right culture will go a long way to […]

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What Is Company Culture?

What Is Company Culture? Company culture is the attitude and behavior of the employees and its leadership. This comes out in the form of decisions the company makes and the values the people hold. You can see it in how the employees act and work. In early-stage companies, the company culture is established by the […]

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Legal Issues Around Equity

Legal Issues Around Equity There are several legal issues surrounding equity to consider: You must have a legal entity to establish equity ownership. There are several types of legal structures including LLC, C-Corp, and more. The LLC is easy to set up and launch the business.  Delaware C-Corporation is the preferred legal structure by investors. […]

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Best Practices for Founders’ Equity

Best Practices for Founders’ Equity There are many decisions to be made with founder equity. Here are some best practices in handling those decisions.  The founder-co-founder split of equity can be anything except 50/50. A 50/50 split leaves no one in a position to make a final decision for the company. In splitting the equity […]

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Best Practices for Equity

Best Practices for Equity Equity is a key component of startup compensation for founders and employees. While cash may be king in the short term, equity will be worth more in the long run. Here are some best practices for founders to follow: Treat equity as the scarce commodity it is and deploy it strategically […]

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Equity Vesting

Equity Vesting Vesting is conveying the ownership of equity to the holder. Vesting schedules show the rate at which equity is vested over time. It is used to ensure founders and employees stay with the company till the proposed milestones are achieved. Investors will look for standard vesting schedules on all equity given to founders, […]

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Equity Dilution

Equity Dilution In the early days of the startup, the founders should raise only the amount of funding necessary to achieve the next milestone. The valuation of the company is low but will rise when adding products, revenue, and team members. Raising too much early on will cause the founders to suffer dilution. Pursue the […]

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Equity Distribution Over Funding Rounds

Equity Distribution Over Funding Rounds As the startup raises funding the founder’s and employees’ ownership stake will fall and the investor’s stake will rise.  This is due to the fact that more investors are added to the cap table over each round of funding. Both founders and employees undergo dilution throughout this process. After a […]

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Why Give Equity to Employees

Why Give Equity to Employees Employees are a key factor in the success of startups. Here’s a list of reasons why you should give equity to employees: Recruiting — the market is competitive, especially for quality candidates. A startup offering equity to employees will find it a competitive advantage over other companies. Retention — equity […]

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How To Give Equity to Employees

How To Give Equity to Employees Equity is an important compensation tool for employees. Startups that don’t provide equity must provide all compensation from the cash flow in the form of salaries and bonuses. This can be difficult on the finances of the business. Equity compensation doesn’t require any cash outlay. Consider these methods of […]

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Evaluating Employee Equity

Evaluating Employee Equity Employees joining a startup will often receive equity as part of the compensation package. Investors know that only one out of ten startups will generate an outsized return. The rest turn in a modest return or fail outright. Employees should consider these factors in evaluating equity compensation: What is the exit strategy […]

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Employee Equity

Employee Equity Equity compensation for employees varies greatly based on the location, type of startup, and job to be done. An overall allocation for employees is around 15% of the total equity. The first five hires receive 1% to 2% each. Later employees receive 0.25% to o.5% each. You can also apply a multiplier against […]

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Advisors Equity

Advisors Equity Startup advisors can help a startup establish the business and find the right track to grow. Some informal advisors help the business without any compensation. Some formal advisors help the business but require compensation. Advisors seeking compensation look for a small piece of equity. Most advisors are not paid cash in the very […]

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Co-founders equity

Co-Founders Equity Running a startup requires a complete team. Someone is building it and someone is selling it.  In the early stages of a startup, the founder is doing one of these and the cofounder is doing the other. Founders should look for cofounders whose skill complements their own. Since there’s no revenue, equity is […]

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Types of Equity

Types of Equity There are several types of equity in a business. Here’s a list to consider when engaging a startup: Authorized shares — the maximum amount of shares the company can distribute. Outstanding shares — the number of shares actually distributed. This determines the current valuation of the company. Subscribed shares — the number […]

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Founders Equity

Founders Equity Founders of the startup receive equity to generate loyalty to the firm. Cofounders also receive equity. In splitting equity between the founder and cofounder, avoid the 50/50 split as this puts no one in a position to make final decisions. There are many tough choices to make in a startup and one founder […]

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Key Equity Terms

Key Equity Terms Equity represents the ownership stake in a startup. Here are some key terms to know about equity. Vesting — the transfer of equity ownership from the company to the employee.   A typical vesting schedule is four years. Each month a portion of the promised equity is vested which gives the employee ownership […]

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Startup Equity Basics

Startup Equity Basics Equity is an ownership stake in a company represented by shares. The three stakeholders are the founders, the employees, and the investors. Founders start with all the equity and then create and give shares to investors and employees in return for funding and labor. This additional equity reduces the value of the […]

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Brand Equity

Brand Equity Brand equity is the value that comes from customer recognition of the brand. Startups with brand equity command a higher price for the product and differentiate from the competition. Here are the key elements of brand equity: Brand recognition Customers recognize the visual identity of the brand and value it. This differentiates your […]

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Common Branding Mistakes

Common Branding Mistakes In developing the brand for your startup avoid these common mistakes: Spending too much on an agency. Most of the work comes from you, your team, and a graphics design professional. Take ownership of your brand building and outsource key elements of the project such as logo design. Designing a logo that […]

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Best Practices for Rebranding

Best Practices for Rebranding Most startups will at some point need to rebrand their business. In rebranding your startup consider these best practices: Just as you start with a minimum viable product so you can start with a minimum viable brand. This allows you to test out your brand to see what resonates with your […]

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When To Rebrand Your Startup

When To Rebrand Your Startup There are times when you need to rebrand your startup. Here’s a list of reasons: You’re attracting a larger customer base. You’re changing the target market to reach a new audience. You’re updating the brand to represent the current product offering. Your startup is merging with another company. Customers confuse […]

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How To Rebrand Your Startup

How To Rebrand Your Startup There are several reasons for rebranding your startup. A new name may be required due to trademark issues. You may need to differentiate the company from the competition. Before rebranding your startup, build a team to review the brand and create a new one.  In rebranding your startup there are […]

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Why Rebrand Your Startup

Why Rebrand Your Startup There are times when a startup should rebrand itself. Here’s a list of good reasons: Your current brand no longer reflects the values and mission of your startup. Your startup changed position in the marketplace and the brand no longer matches the promise you made. Your startup has grown and is […]

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Managing Your Brand

Managing Your Brand Once you have established your brand it’s important to manage it ongoing. Here are some key steps to consider in managing your brand: Assign a team member to manage the process. Budget resources for managing the brand. Review how well the brand is doing in recognition, awareness, and positioning. Discuss the brand […]

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Key Elements of a Brand

Key Elements of a Brand A strong brand that resonates with the audience has several key elements. Here’s a list of elements to build into your brand: Authenticity: Customers look for brands that are trustworthy in that they deliver on the promise. Decide what promise you make and stick to it. Distinctiveness: Your brand cannot […]

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Steps to Building Your Brand

Steps to Building Your Brand In building a brand from scratch follow these steps: Start with purpose. Identify the reason behind the company and why it exists. Research the competition. Find out what other companies are doing to avoid duplicate messaging. Identify the target customer. Get specific about who you want to reach. Choose a […]

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Best Practices for Creating a Brand

Best Practices for Creating a Brand In crafting your brand consider these best practices: Research your competition to see what type of branding they use. This gives you an idea of what customers are seeing now and what may be an opportunity to do something different. Identify the buyer persona you serve. This tells you […]

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Types of Branding

Types of Branding There are several types of branding strategies. Here’s a list to consider for your startup: Company name — this strategy builds the brand around the name of the company. High-end products and luxury brands often use this strategy. Individual products — this strategy builds a brand around key products in addition to […]

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Brand Metrics

Brand Metrics After launching your brand, track the performance with metrics. Here are some key metrics to consider: Awareness — use surveys to gauge how many people are aware of the brand. Associations — see what key attributes people associate with it. Linkage — see how many people associate your brand with a characteristic unaided. […]

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Branding Positioning Statement

Branding Positioning Statement A brand positioning statement describes your product, what it does, and how it’s different from your competitors. In crafting your brand positioning statement consider the following: Start with your ideal customer and address their needs. Contrast your solution with products currently available. Give your solution a product name. Identify the key value […]

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Branding Positioning

Branding Positioning Brand positioning is the place your brand holds in the customer’s mind. It should associate your brand with a positive experience. Here are some key strategies to consider for building your brand positioning: Quality — this showcases the quality of your product.   Use customer success stories, a long history in the business, and […]

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Branding Strategies

Branding Strategies Branding sets your company apart from the competition. In building your brand consider these strategies: Start with your target market. Identify the ideal customer that you want to attract. Review the competition to see what they offer and how they relate to that ideal customer. Choose a positioning that the competitors have not […]

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Building a Brand

Building a Brand A brand brings benefits to the startup. Investors find value in a brand and will reflect it in the valuation. A strong brand differentiates your startup from the competition. It will make your startup memorable. Here are some key steps in building a brand for your business. Start with the founder’s story. […]

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Purpose of a Brand

Purpose of a Brand The purpose of a brand is to show why your company exists. It’s your reason for being beyond making money. Customers buy products based on both logic and emotion.  The brand helps you tell your story in a way that connects with the audience’s emotions. Good brands are easy to understand […]

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What Is Not a Brand

What Is Not a Brand The strength of a company’s brand is how much customers believe in the promise of the company. Here’s a list of what the brand is not: Marketing positioning Market positioning is where you are positioned in the market while the brand is where you are positioned in the customer’s mind. […]

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Why Your Startup Needs a Brand

Why Your Startup Needs a Brand Branding is more than just a logo. Your logo is your visual identity. Your brand is the promise your startup makes to the market. Here is a list of reasons to craft a brand for your startup: It gives the startup a singular message that underpins all marketing. Over […]

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What Is a Brand?

What is a brand? Your brand is your promise to the customer. It’s based on the mission of the company. It appeals to people who share the same vision as you. It gives the company a unique positioning over the competition. Your brand impacts everyone in the company including investors, team members, partners, as well […]

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Should You Be an Advisor?

Should You Be an Advisor? Investors are often tapped to advise startups. Here are some key points to consider when asked to be an advisor: Are you interested in the startup and what they are doing? If you’re not interested then nothing else really matters. What is the time commitment requested? Make clear what time […]

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Startup Advice for Those in College

Startup Advice for Those in College For those in college who want to start their own business use your college days to prepare. Here are some things you can do: Set up the legal entity and the website for the business. Identify the key websites and information resources about your industry and market. Start tracking […]

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Life After the Buyout

Life After the Buyout Life after a company buyout will be different for the founder. Here are some key areas to prepare for: In some cases, the founder will have an earnout that provides additional compensation for meeting revenue or earnings goals. For those who gain stock in the new company, there may be revesting […]

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Legal Issues in an Acquisition

Legal issues in an acquisition There are several legal issues involved in selling your business.  Here is a list of key areas to review: Liability — the buyer assumes the liabilities of the acquired. This includes any outstanding litigation as well as compliance issues. Intellectual property — the buyer will look for what has been […]

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Strategic Acquisitions

Strategic Acquisitions There are strategic acquisitions and financial acquisitions. Strategic acquisitions are made for factors other than financial considerations. Here’s a list of strategic reasons buyers acquire companies: The acquired company provides sales growth for the buyer. Startups are often in emerging technology markets with the promise of future sales growth. The buyer wants to […]

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Key Elements of a Purchase Agreement

Key Elements of a Purchase Agreement In selling your business, the purchase agreement outlines the key terms. It’s important to review it carefully.   Here are some points to consider when evaluating a purchase agreement: Check the definitions section to understand what the key terms mean. Review the price and how payment will be made.  There […]

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Characteristics of an Interested Investor

Characteristics of an Interested Investor In selling your business, check the buyer’s interest in the deal. Here are some key points to look for: The buyer accesses the data room to review key information. Questions from the buyer indicate they are looking for alignment in the company and not just shopping for general information. The […]

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Price and Terms of the Deal

Price and Terms of the Deal In negotiating the M&A transaction both price and terms will be discussed. While the top-line buyout number is the main focus, the underlying terms should also be considered carefully. Here’s a list of terms to review: Payment amount — how much and when will the payout occur? Who gets […]

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The Letter of Intent in M&A

The Letter of Intent in M&A In an M&A transaction, the letter of intent or LOI defines the general terms of the deal. Here are the key components of an LOI: Key players — define the buyer and seller in the deal. This makes clear who is buying whom.  High-level overview — defines the structure […]

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Understanding the Buyer’s Strategic Roadmap

Understanding the Buyer’s Strategic Roadmap In selling your business, it’s important to understand the buyer’s strategic roadmap. Here are some reasons why you should know it well: You can position your business for acquisition more effectively if you know how your business fits into the buyers’ roadmap. You can communicate the value proposition of your […]

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Ideal Buyer Characteristics

Ideal Buyer Characteristics In selling a buyer on acquiring your business, you’ll want to create an ideal buyer profile. Here’s a list of characteristics to consider when building it: Financial vs strategic — Are you looking for a buyer looking for a financial-only deal or one who wants a strategic fit? Type of company — […]

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Why Build a Target List of Buyers

Why Build a Target List of Buyers In preparing to sell your business you’ll need to build a target list of buyers. Here’s a list of reasons for why it’s important: Focus — the list focuses your efforts on those who are the best fit for your business so you know who to work with. […]

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Valuation Methods for an M&A Deal

Valuation Methods for an M&A Deal There are several methods for calculating the valuation of a company for an M&A deal. Here are some key methods to consider: Multiples of revenue or earnings — each industry segment has a commonly used multiple based on revenue or earnings for valuing the company.  To calculate, take several […]

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Factors Impacting Valuation

Factors Impacting Valuation Valuation is a major issue in selling your business. Here are some key factors impacting the price: The size of the company buying your business — the bigger the company, the higher the potential price. Demand for your company — the more buyers in the mix, the higher the valuation. Form of […]

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Financial Projections for M&A

Financial Projections for M&A In selling your business, the prospective buyer will want to see financial projections showing how you expect the company to perform. There are three financial statements to complete:  Income statement, Balance Sheet, and cash flow statement. It’s important to develop a realistic projection. The projections should take into account the buyer […]

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Financials and Key Metrics for M&A

Financials and Key Metrics for M&A In selling your business, the buyer will look for key financial metrics. Here are some key metrics to include in your pitch: Total revenue — revenue before discounts, returns, and adjustments. This shows top-line sales for the company. Sales in units — the number of units sold over a […]

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Painting the Vision of the Value Proposition

Painting the Vision of the Value Proposition In preparing to sell your business it’s important to paint the vision of the value proposition. The value proposition is the reason a company wants to buy you. To gain the best price you must show how your company combined with the acquirer provides a better future for […]

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Positioning Your Business To Sell

Positioning Your Business To Sell In selling your business it’s important to articulate all the values in the business a buyer may desire. Here’s a list of sources of value to consider: The products or services generate revenue. This includes current and future revenue potential. The intellectual property that protects those products. This includes trademarks, […]

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Advantages of a Self-Running Business

Advantages of a Self-Running Business In preparing to sell your business, make sure you are setting up a business that can run by itself at some level. Here are some key points to consider: Make sure the company doesn’t have the founder’s name on it. Build a great team that can carry on without the […]

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Reasons To Sell Your Business

Reasons To Sell Your Business There are many reasons to sell your business. Here are some to consider: You may want to scale up to reach more customers. By selling you can move into a business with more reach and greater resources. You may want to see greater operational efficiency. By selling you can join […]

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Value of an Investment Banker

Value of an Investment Banker In selling your business you may want to use an investment banker.  Here are some reasons to consider: Investment bankers know how to prepare the dataroom and what documents will be needed for the transaction. Most founders are new to the sell-side process. They know how to present your business […]

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Why Acquisitions Fail?

Why Acquisitions Fail? Not all acquisitions succeed. Here’s a list of why some fail: The buyer wants to eliminate a competitor by taking them off the market. The acquisition was simply a means to an end and there was no intention of continuing the acquired business. The investment thesis did not play out. The proposed […]

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Why Companies Acquire Other Companies?

 Why Companies Acquire Other Companies? Companies acquire other companies for many reasons. Here’s a list of potential reasons to consider: Companies seek to acquire a customer list.   They want to grow their business by adding more customers. Companies seek to acquire intellectual property. They want the IP so they can expand their technology base. Companies […]

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Acquirer Expectations

Acquirer Expectations In selling your business it’s important to understand the expectations of the acquirer. Acquirers will look for your accounting to be clean and well-organized. Make sure your contracts, loans, and intellectual property documents are in order. Acquirers will invest substantial time and expect you to do the same. This could be several hundreds […]

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The Founder’s Exit

The Founder’s Exit The cap table shows the ownership of the business. It’s often the case in venture-funded startups that the founder ends up with less than double-digit ownership. There’s the issue of liquidation preferences and other terms that pay investors before the founder. In fundraising, make sure the founder’s position is covered and has […]

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Mistakes in Emailing an Investor

Mistakes in Emailing an Investor In emailing an investor avoid these mistakes: Skip the research and just treat the investor as you would anyone else. Try and tell them everything in the hopes that something will stick. Skip the attachments and make them ask for a deck. Ask for funding in the first email. Make […]

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Adding Social Proof to Your Investor Email

Adding Social Proof to Your Investor Email Social proof makes your email more compelling to the investor. Here’s how to add social proof to your investor email: Highlight key advisors you have brought on board. This demonstrates your startup has enough momentum to engage others. Showcase the customers you have engaged with. This demonstrates the […]

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Best Practices for Emailing an Investor

Best Practices for Emailing an Investor Here are some best practices for emailing an investor: Put the name of your company in the subject line. Use social media for making contact but not for pitching. Spellcheck the email to eliminate any typos. Refine the email to exclude filler words and phrases to make it as […]

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Investor Email Essentials

Investor Email Essentials In emailing an investor consider these essential todos. Avoid sales-like verbiage as investors have their guard up against sales pitches. Focus on what value you can provide the investor. Keep the email short and concise. Remember, long rambling stories will not get read. Use numbers to make your case as it provides […]

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When To Send an Investor Email

When To Send an Investor Email Timing is important in sending an email to an investor. Consider these points in scheduling the send of your investor email: Your email should come at a time when there’s little competition for the investor’s attention. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are the best days to send. Mondays and Fridays […]

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How To Capture the Investor’s Attention in an Email

How To Capture the Investor’s Attention in an Email In emailing an investor it’s important to capture their attention. The subject line and the first line in the email are the two best opportunities. Here are some techniques to consider: Key off a past investment made by the investor and call it out as a […]

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The Investor Update Email

The Investor Update Email After you have pitched an investor it’s important to update them on the progress of your startup. Investors look for momentum and traction in the startup before investing. Forecasting high revenue is not the same as actually demonstrating a growth story in progress. The update should go out no less than […]

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Building Your Network for the Fundraise

Building Your Network for the Fundraise Before launching your email campaign, build out your network of investors. As you meet investors it’s important to collect their emails into a list to provide updates. Sort the list by type of investor — angel, venture capitalist, family office, etc. Note their investment interest — consumer, enterprise software, […]

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Generating Investor Interest in Your Email

Generating Investor Interest in Your Email Most investor emails are filled with stories, details, and other extraneous information in an effort to inform the investor. This typically creates long winding emails with big blocks of text. Instead of informing, you should intrigue the investor. In writing an investor email the key goal is generating interest […]

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An Example Investor Email Format

An Example Investor Email Format For writing the investor email here is an example email format to follow: Start with why you are sending this email. This could be seeking investment, asking for advice, or requesting a referral. If raising funding, write about the current status of the business and the fundraise that is currently […]

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What the Investor Looks for in the Email

What the Investor Looks for in the Email In writing an email to an investor keep in mind the investor’s viewpoint. Here’s what investors ask themselves when opening an email: In looking at the email sent name, the investor asks how do I know this person? When reading the subject line,  the investor asks should […]

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How To Write the Subject Line

How To Write the Subject Line In emailing an investor the most important line is the subject line. This gets read by every recipient even if they don’t open the email. To make the best subject line consider the following: Draw from your research of the investor and include key points that are relevant. Include […]

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Investor Email Best Practices

Investor Email Best Practices Fundraising requires contacting many potential investors through email. Here are some best practices to consider: Keep the email short and to the point with no more than 200 words. The shorter the email the more likely it will be read. Start the email with the why.   Why are you reaching […]

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How To Personalize the Investor Email

How To Personalize the Investor Email In emailing an investor consider using the following to personalize it for the investor: Start with common connections and indicate any referrals made. Mention the names of mutual contacts who you’ve recently spoken with and give an update about them. Indicate a common range of interests and expertise such […]

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Outline for the Investor Email

Outline for the Investor Email In emailing an investor consider using the following layout: In the subject line include the name of your company, what you do in 5 words or less, and a recent milestone. In the body of the email expand on what your startup does in just a sentence. This could focus […]

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