Investor Connect

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Investor Connect: Investing in Wellness: Alice Loy on Relevance Ventures
[audio src=""][/audio]   On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Alice Loy, General Partner at Relevance Ventures. Located in Nashville, Tennessee, Relevance Ventures is an early-stage venture capital firm dedicated to investing in startups that promote social, environmental, and individual wellness. With over $125 million in assets under management,…
What Are DAOs For?
[audio src=""][/audio]   DAOs facilitate people's coordination toward a common goal. DAOs give collective ownership to the members including decision making. A DAO uses Web3 software to provide the coordination, voting, and governance rights of the members. DAOs can be used for many types of goals including social, economic, and…
What Are DAOs?
[audio src=""][/audio]   DAO stands for Distributed Autonomous Organizations. A DAO is a group of people who join together for a common purpose. A DAO is run by its members and uses tokens to incentivize and reward the members for their contributions. Tokens give the members rights such as voting,…
Capturing Their Attention
[audio src=""][/audio]   The timespan for a pitch continues to shrink. Here are some key points for how to gain their attention: Get to the point fast. Avoid spending time building context and use only what is necessary. Start with something unexpected. This makes them do a double take and…
Preacher Prosecutor Politician
[audio src=""][/audio]   In pitching your startup you can frame the pitch in several ways. Consider the preacher, the prosecutor and the politician as a framework for how to position your pitch. Preacher mode is when your basic beliefs are in jeopardy.  You deliver a sermon to protect and promote…

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