Investor Connect

We help Startups and Investors Connect for Funding
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Discussion Topics

Returns of a Fund

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Returns on a Fund are based on the power law which means that the Pareto Principle applies: The bulk of returns come from just a few of the companies. Out of ten investments, one […]

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How to Analzye a Market

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In running a fund it’s important to analyze market segments. First, evaluate the leading companies in the market. Are there any leaders that stand out, or are all the companies competing head-to-head with the same […]

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Investor Connect – Mireya Manigault of Foundation LLC and WeDemption

In this episode, Hall welcomes Mireya Manigault founder and CEO of Foundation LLC, founder at WeDemption, and an angel investor at 37 Angels. Located in Chicago, Foundation, LLC provides end-to-end support for targeted business needs in corporate culture, behavioral risk management and executive team coaching. WeDemption is its own ecosystem and has all your angel […]

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How to Analyze a Startup

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Fund managers must present their investment ideas to the other general partners.  Here’s how to analyze a potential company for investment: 1) Identify a recent event for the target company, such as entering a new […]

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Investor Perspectives – The Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding Part 5

Investor Connect is proud to introduce a brand new Podcast series: Investor Perspectives. Over the next few weeks, we continue our discussion on the Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding with experienced investors from the TEN Capital network. In today’s installment, we’re focusing on the short-term impact of COVID-19 on startup funding and […]

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Key Legal Documents for Your Fund

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are 3 key legal documents for your fund. They are: 1) Subscription Agreement — describes how the limited partners purchase interest in a fund, or rather, subscribe to it. It contains representations and warranties. […]

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Key Metrics for Your Fund

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are three key metrics for tracking the performance of a Fund. The first is Net Internal Rate of Return (called Net IRR) — this measures the performance of fund distributions and the change in […]

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Investor Perspectives – The Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding Part 4

Investor Connect is proud to introduce a brand new Podcast series: Investor Perspectives. Over the next month, we continue our discussion on the Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding with experienced investors from the TEN Capital network. In today’s installment, we’re focusing on what our investors are doing to prepare for the market […]

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Develop an Investment Thesis for Your Fund

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. For those raising a fund, you must develop an investment thesis for your fund or investing strategy. An investment thesis is a hypothesis that describes how a particular market is suitable for producing a positive […]

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Creating an Executive Summary for a Fund

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In raising a fund you’ll need an executive summary which should include the following: Fund Objectives, (Legal) Structure, Fund Specifics, Investment Strategy, Investment Criteria, Investment Process Overview, Management Team and Disclaimers. Fund Objective — purpose […]

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Investor Connect – Steve Hoffman of Founders Space

In this episode, Hall welcomes Steve Hoffman, Chairman, Founder & CEO of Founders Space. Located in the San Francisco Bay Area, Founders Space has created an international network of incubators, entrepreneurs, and investors, with over 50 partners in 22 countries. They offer corporate innovation programs, an online startup incubator, tours, and seminars. Steve is an […]

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How to Find Market Sizing

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. One of the key selling points for a startup is their potential market size. There are several ways to find it for your startup. You could buy a market research report. These typically run anywhere […]

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Starting Your Own VC Fund

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. You can now start your own VC fund. Venture capital, angel investing, crowdfunding, and most forms of startup funding are best done through a fund model for when deal flow volume reaches scale.    A fund […]

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Investor Connect – Sharon Vosmek of Astia

In this episode, Hall welcomes Sharon Vosmek, CEO of Astia. Located in San Francisco, Astia was founded in Silicon Valley in 1999 as a non-profit organization dedicated to identifying and promoting best-in-class, high-growth ventures that include women leaders. Astia levels the investment playing field by cultivating a trusted global ecosystem of engaged male and female […]

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Investor Perspectives – The Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding Part 3

Investor Connect is proud to introduce a brand new Podcast series: Investor Perspectives. Over the next month, we will be discussing the Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding with experienced investors from the TEN Capital network. In today’s installment, we’re looking to the other side when the economy will reopen. Today’s episode features […]

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How Can VCs Make More Money

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. As a startup, it’s helpful to understand the VC investor you are talking to and how they make money. In venture capital, there’s two ways to make money. First, VCs typically take one third of […]

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The Time Element of Returns

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In calculating returns the timing of the return is a key factor. There are two metrics for measuring return. ROI is return on investment without respect to time, and IRR which is Internal Rate of […]

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Follow a Disciplined Investment Strategy

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In angel investing the two basic approaches are generalist and specialist.  The generalist funds across all sectors but with certain criteria focused on growth rates, team composition, or monetization models such as recurring revenue. The […]

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Investor Connect – David Wadler of Vendorful, Inc.

In this episode, Hall welcomes David Wadler angel investor and CEO of Vendorful, Inc. Located in New York, Vendorful is a standalone SaaS product delivered via public or private cloud. In addition, it can be integrated into existing procurement software stacks, allowing organizations to drive more return on their existing investment. Vendorful saves time and […]

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Investor Perspectives – The Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding Part 2

Investor Connect is proud to introduce a brand new Podcast series: Investor Perspectives. Over the next month, we will be discussing the Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding with experienced investors from the TEN Capital network. In today’s installment, we’re focusing on the short-term and long-term impact of COVID-19 on startup funding. Today’s […]

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Key Documents for Your Due Diligence Box

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. You’ll need to gather your basic company documents for investors to review. In preparing a due diligence box also called a dataroom, there are basic documents to include: Income Statement and Balance Sheet Three to […]

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The Challenge of the VC Life

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Many people want to work for a VC, especially those straight out of college. Most are not aware of the challenging dynamics that come with the VC life.  Here are a few: Raising funding — […]

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Product: Show What Product You Are Going to Build

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. I once read a sixty-five page business plan that talked about the startup’s services and the benefits that came from it. After reading it, I met with the CEO and said, “This is great. What […]

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How to Diligence the Team

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In diligencing a startup, the team is the most critical factor in the process.  Since the startup has only a nascent product and perhaps some intellectual property, the team is the only thing that you […]

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Investor Perspectives – The Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding Part 1

Investor Connect is proud to introduce a brand new Podcast series: Investor Perspectives. Over the next month, we will be discussing the Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding with experienced investors from the TEN Capital network. In today’s installment, we’re focusing on the short-term and long-term impact of COVID-19 on startup funding. Today’s […]

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Red Flags in Due Diligence

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In due diligence you may encounter red flags indicating something is wrong. Here are some that I’ve found: The founders are not investing any of their own money into the business.   The cap table is […]

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Investor Connect – Vic Pascucci of Energy Capital Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Vic Pascucci, Managing Partner of Energy Capital Ventures. Located in Chicago, Energy Capital Ventures is a strategic venture capital firm serving the needs of the power and utility industry. They invest at Series A through C in technologies that provide clean, intelligent, mobile and distributed solutions.  Vic has over […]

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What Isn’t Being Said in Due Diligence

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In due diligence, what isn’t being said or shared is as important as what is. When a startup pitches their idea, you should be skeptical of founders that don’t mention potential risks or discuss their […]

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Investor Connect – Soraya Darabi of Trail Mix Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Soraya Darabi, General Partner of Trail Mix Ventures (TMV). TMV is an early-stage venture firm investing in the future of living well. TMV backs startup companies focused on ideas that will reshape industries or inspire new ones. Fund I and Fund II investments focus on: frontier health organizations, marketplaces and […]

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The Importance of Follow-Up

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. So many entrepreneurs think the most important moment in the investor engagement is the pitch.   In fact, the pitch is the second most important.  The most important moment is the follow-up after the pitch. The […]

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You’ll Hear “No” a Lot

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In raising funding you will hear “no” from investors a lot.   When I say a lot, I mean it’s more than most entrepreneurs think. I know one entrepreneur who made 50 investor pitches before he […]

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Investor Connect – Charlie Banks of VentureSouth

In this episode, Hall welcomes Charlie Banks, Co-Founder & Managing Director of VentureSouth. VentureSouth based in Greenville, South Carolina, is one of the largest angel investment infrastructures in the US. The firm develops and manages angel investment groups and funds comprised of 300+ accredited investors and has invested $50M+ in over 70 early-stage companies throughout […]

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How to Contact Investors

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In running a fundraise campaign you’ll need to set up calls and meetings with investors who are busy and may struggle to find time to give you. Of course you can have a mutual contact […]

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How Do VCs Make a Decision?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. So how do VCs make a decision to invest? Venture Capital investors make investment decisions as a group. As an associate, partner, or otherwise, you must convince the team to move forward with it.   Even […]

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Investor Connect – Gary Trauner of Silicon Couloir

In this episode, Hall welcomes Gary Trauner, Executive Director of Silicon Couloir. Silicon Couloir, based in Jackson, Wyoming, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that strives to be the hub connecting local entrepreneurs to all resources needed to succeed. Gary is an accomplished senior-level leader with extensive financial, operational and managerial experience across a wide array […]

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Multiple Position Points

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In pitching you can position your startup in more than one way.  You could pitch for the sector it is in — such as Edtech. Many investors focus on a sector. In this case you […]

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Investor Connect – Randy Myer of Carolina Angel Network

In this episode, Hall is joined by Randy Myer, Managing Director at Carolina Angel Network. Established in 2016, the Carolina Angel Network (CAN) brings together the UNC-Chapel Hill entrepreneurial community, University alumni network and innovative private companies to support the Carolina entrepreneurial community with an angel investing platform and co-investment fund (the Carolina Growth Fund). […]

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How Do Investors Decide to Invest?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. So, how do investors decide to commit to a startup investment? Entrepreneurs look at the opportunity in the deal. Investors look at the risk. There are two factors that help the investor decide to invest […]

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Investor Connect – Maggie Sprenger of Green Cow Venture Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Maggie Sprenger, Managing Director at Green Cow Venture Capital (GCVC).  GCVC is an early-stage venture fund based in San Francisco and New York City. They invest at the Seed and Series A stages into dynamic founders that combine unparalleled drive, talent, and diverse perspectives to solve problems around scarcity […]

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What Investors Can Do for You at Each Stage

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. At each stage of funding, investors bring not only funding, but also some level of support.  From crowdfunding you receive not only the investment (or prepayment, if you are running a rewards campaign), but you […]

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Who Should You Pursue for Your Raise?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In raising funding, start with your own network. Set up calls with angels, family offices, and others who you already know. Since the relationship is already built, it’s much easier to set up the meeting. […]

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What Is the Best Source of Capital to Align With My Needs?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are many sources of capital.   There are family and friend loans. There are bank loans. There are revenue share loans. There are equity investments in the form of convertible notes and equity ownership. There […]

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Investor Connect – Dougal Cameron of Golden Section Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Dougal Cameron, Director of Golden Section Ventures (GSV). GSV is a seed-stage venture investment group focusing on B2B SaaS companies that are posted revenue and post product, but still early in the revenue cycle. Dougal is an experienced founder and CEO with a demonstrated history of working in the software, […]

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Coronavirus Economy Trends: Government

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In the Coronavirus lockdown, we’re seeing trends that will establish the next cycle of startup innovation. We’ll see the government shift to building out the infrastructure and response programs for healthcare and public safety initiatives, […]

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Investor Connect – Jak Knowles of Leaps by Bayer

In this episode, Hall welcomes Jak Knowles, Vice President Venture Investments and Head of Pharma at Leaps by Bayer.  Leaps by Bayer was “created in 2015 to break boundaries in life sciences investment—in scale, risk, collaboration, and mission.” Since 2015, Leaps by Bayer has invested over $800M in ventures that tackle fundamental breakthroughs and shift […]

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Coronavirus Economy Trends: Shift to Digital

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In the Coronavirus lockdown we’re seeing trends that will establish the next cycle of startup innovation. While already underway, there’s an accelerating shift to digital.   Startups in this area will find investor interest if they […]

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Character, Confidence and Coachability

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In evaluating a team, there are elements to look for in a CEO for early-stage companies. The first is character. The CEO must have integrity and demonstrate character. Over time, the company will adopt the […]

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Investor Connect – Lydia Kinkade of iiM

In this episode, Hall welcomes Lydia Kinkade, Managing Director at iiM (Innovation in Motion) located in Merriam, Kansas. iiM is an angel investment group that invests in high-growth, early-stage animal health, human health and agribusiness companies. They provide capital, seasoned business expertise and access to their network of industry experts. Prior to becoming an early-stage […]

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Coronavirus Economy Trends: Sports

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In the Coronavirus lockdown we’re seeing trends that will establish the next cycle of startup innovation. While physical events for esports have been cancelled and future events may be postponed, in general, esports continue with […]

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Investor Connect – William Bissett of Portus Wealth Advisors and Charlotte Angel Connection

In this episode, Hall welcomes William Bissett, President and Founder of Portus Wealth Advisors and podcast host at Charlotte Angel Connection. Portus Wealth Advisors is a Private Wealth Management firm based in Charlotte, NC and serves clients across the country.   William began his career in insurance sales, then moved on to a job at a […]

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Team Is the Only Thing

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Vince Lombardi once said, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”. In startup investing, “Team isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”. All problems will ultimately be solved by the team. If the team can’t solve […]

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Investor Connect – Yaniv Sneor of Mid Atlantic Bio Angels (MABA)

In this episode, Hall welcomes Yaniv Sneor, founder of Mid Atlantic Bio Angels (MABA). MABA is a life-science angel group focused on therapeutics, devices and diagnostics. Yaniv started a career in physics and moved to working as a consultant with companies in the life-sciences sector. He noticed that these smaller, early-stage life-science companies were having […]

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How to COVID-19-Proof Your Business

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. After the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, investors look to see if you have made your business COVID-19-proof. Here are some steps to COVID-19-proof your startup. Ensure your startup can continue day-to-day operations by working remotely, […]

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Investor Connect – Tony Jeff of Innovate Mississippi & Mississippi Angel Network

In this episode, Hall welcomes Tony Jeff, President and CEO of Innovate Mississippi & Mississippi Angel Network who accelerate startups and drive entrepreneurship throughout the state. They strengthen and grow the culture of innovation in Mississippi. Tony is a technology evangelist who speaks regularly on emerging trends and strategies in technology and innovation commercialization. Tony […]

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Fundraise: Show That Others Are Interested in the Deal

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The prospective investor wants to see traction in your fundraise just as they want to see traction in your core business.  In raising funding, investors will first express interest and then make a commitment before […]

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The Coronavirus Impact on What’s Getting Funded

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Coronavirus pandemic impacts what venture capital funds. We’ll see changes in the following ways: Goods and services deemed ‘essential’ will receive funding such as cannabis, CBD, and hemp.  Alcohol will see increased funding as […]

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Timing Matters

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In raising funding, you need to build a relationship with the investor and communicate your story.  Both take time.  It’s a numbers game. You have to put yourself in places to meet people. Once you’ve […]

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Investor Connect – Eric Berman of Element 8 Angels

In this episode, Hall welcomes Eric Berman, Co-chair and President of Element 8 (E8) Ventures, an angel, impact-investing group who invest for profit with a purpose. E8 is an international, Seattle-based community whose mission is to accelerate the transition to a prosperous and cleaner world by investing in and fostering emerging cleantech enterprises. Its flexible, […]

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Investor Connect – Peter Adams of Rockies Venture Club

In this episode, Hall welcomes Peter Adams, Executive Director of Rockies Venture Club. Rockies Venture Club is “…an angel investing group dedicated to accelerating economic development by educating and connecting investors and entrepreneurs.” Their culture is based on the following three “pillars”: events, education and execution. Excited by impact investing, Peter explains Rockies Venture Club’s […]

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The Coronavirus Impact on IT and Cybersecurity

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Coronavirus pandemic impacts many parts of the economy including IT and cybersecurity. We’ll see changes in the following ways: With the shift to distributed employees and remote work, there will be more people logging […]

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Investor Connect – Charles Sidman of ECS Capital Partners

In this episode, Hall welcomes Charles Sidman, Managing Partner and Member of ECS Capital Partners. ECS Capital Partners, LLC, is raising and will operate several investment vehicles (initially an Angel-, and then a Venture-scale fund) seeking to optimize financial returns by vertically integrating long-term company partnership and involvement, using a pragmatic and evolutionary approach.  Charles’ […]

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What Do Investors Really Want?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Most investors look for startups in which they can find a return on their investment. In the diligence and funding process, what the investor really wants is to not lose all their money. They want […]

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The Coronavirus Impact on Logistics

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Coronavirus pandemic impacts many parts of the economy including logistics and supply chain. We’ll see changes in the following ways: The need for flexible manufacturing come to the forefront in the Coronavirus pandemic in […]

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Investor Connect – Harlan Mandel of Media Development Investment Fund

In this episode, Hall welcomes Harlan Mandel, CEO of Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF). Harlan joined the company in 1998 and was appointed CEO in 2011. MDIF is an impact-investment fund which “provides affordable debt and equity financing to independent news and information businesses in countries where access to free and independent media is under […]

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Tell a Story

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In pitching your business plan, consider using the story format. Start with the problem you faced. Show how you couldn’t find a solution so you created your own. And now others are coming to you […]

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Investor Connect – Vikram Lakhwara of Green Cow Venture Capital

In this episode, Hall is joined by Vikram Lakhwara, Co-founder and Managing Director of Green Cow Venture Capital (GCVC) which is a sector-agnostic, early-stage, micro venture capital fund “backing dynamic founding teams solving global market problems around inefficiency and scarcity using greenfield technologies.” They invest at the Seed+ and Series A stages and their average […]

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The Coronavirus Impact on Education

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Coronavirus pandemic impacts many parts of the economy including education. We’ll see changes in the following ways: Education has been moving online for the last twenty years. With online courseware, virtual classroom tools and […]

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Due Diligence – the Thorough Approach

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are several approaches to Due Diligence. The most common is the “Thorough Approach” in which you review each aspect of the business and focus on the top items. Main areas to cover in due […]

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Investor Connect – Thomas Cali of Polaris Advisory

In this episode, Hall is joined by Thomas Cali of Polaris Advisory. Thomas, a long-time investor in some large and well-known companies, has years of experience in the technology, telecom and healthcare spaces. He stresses the importance of teamwork to run a successful company and gives advice on how executive burnout can be avoided and […]

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Investor Connect – Christopher Hugman of System Surveyor

In this episode, Hall is joined by Christopher Hugman, CEO of System Surveyor, established in 2017 in Austin, Texas. System Surveyor is an award-winning, cloud-based platform Software as a Service (SaaS) which helps system-integration contractors and technology professionals in the electronic physical security industry, as well as other markets.  He gives his three top pieces […]

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The Coronavirus Impact on Work

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Coronavirus pandemic impacts many parts of the economy including work. We’ll see changes in the following ways: Increased usage of remote-work software tools. Video conferencing, shared drives, Slack, and other tools make virtual work […]

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Investor Connect – Eric Smith of AppBrilliance

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Eric Smith, Founder and CEO of AppBrilliance. Established in 2015 and located in Austin, Texas, AppBrilliance has created a platform which “unlocks the future of money by removing the barriers between technology companies and the financial institutions.” Eric speaks about the “whirlwind” of the past few months with the […]

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IP – Demonstrate You Have a “Secret Sauce”

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Investors look for some protection over the idea. Patents and trade secrets can help. Half the value of a patent is for show, to investors. In practice, it’s difficult to use patents as the sole […]

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Investor Connect – Matt Gallant of tribeOS

In this episode, Hall welcomes Matt Gallant, Founder and CEO of tribeOS which is “a real-time, full-featured, and decentralized advertising marketplace [which] can be constructed with the prudent use of blockchain technology combined with an independent peer-to-peer network.” Matt has always been passionate about advertising and speaks at length about detecting and fighting the “invisible […]

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The Coronavirus Impact on Healthcare

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Coronavirus pandemic impacts many parts of the economy including healthcare. For healthcare startups, we’ll see changes in the following ways: Increased use of telemedicine. The pandemic highlights the challenge of centralizing all healthcare functions […]

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What Do VCs Invest In?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. I’m often asked what venture capital looks for.  VCs look for emerging tech markets with strong growth projections. These sectors include blockchain, AI, Data Analytics, and other strong growth areas. They do this partly because […]

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Investor Connect – Xavier Segura of Tessera Venture Partners

In this episode, Hall is joined by Xavier Segura, Managing Partner of Tessera Venture Partners, headquartered in New York. Tessera Venture Partners is an early-stage venture fund investing in transformative companies with exceptional founders “having at least one major exit in an area related to their current business”. Xavier is not new to the world […]

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QA Session – Markeyla Henton

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Today’s question is from Markeyla Markeyla asked: I would love some direction about creating relationships in the VC world. Although I have been accepted into an accelerator, I don’t have many connections in the VC […]

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Investor Connect – John Osborne of Charleston Angel Partners and Good Growth Capital

In this episode, Hall is joined by John Osborne, Executive Administrator of Charleston Angel Partners. Charleston Angel Partners is headquartered in North Carolina and was started in 2001 as “the area’s longest-tenured and most established angel investment group.”  The group of angel investors believes that “meaningful economic impact happens when great people support great ideas.” […]

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How to Achieve an Exit for Investors

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Today, we’ll talk about how to achieve an exit in a startup investment. It’s easy to get into a startup investment, but difficult to get out — especially with a positive return. Most startup exits come […]

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Investor Connect – Noramay Cadena of MiLA Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes Noramay Cadena, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of MiLA Capital. Noramay holds three engineering and business degrees from MIT and previously worked in the aerospace field. MiLA Capital is an early-stage venture capital firm that invests globally by leveraging hard and soft resources to build capital-efficient startups. The company funds at […]

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Investor Connect – Pierre Rogers of Yahyn

In this episode, Hall welcomes Pierre Rogers of Yahyn powered by Puro Trader, the platform that brings together retailers, vineyards, and sinners with a focus on Amazon-like convenience to purchasing as well as providing the first true price and inventory discovery mechanism for these regulated industries. It is the first of its kind online aggregator […]

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Investor Connect – William Davis of LDJ Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes back William Davis, Managing Director, Technology and Investments (New York) of family office LDJ Capital who offer many services, including asset management, financial advisory, philanthropy, art advisory, wealth management, valuations and investor relations. Bill, who started his career in artificial intelligence and robotics and is very experienced in the FinTech […]

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The Coronavirus Impact on CPG

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Coronavirus pandemic impacts many parts of the economy including consumer product goods. For the consumer-product-goods space, we’ll see changes in the following ways: Many CPG companies will see greater demand for their product as […]

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What to Do in the Coronavirus Economy

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Coronavirus economy is accelerating changes already underway. Content and engagement is moving online. This impacts healthcare and education in particular, as well as general business. As a startup, you need to recognize this acceleration […]

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Investor Connect – David Mes of Off The Grid Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes back David Mes of Off The Grid Ventures, which invests at the seed stage in B2B-tech companies where women and foreign founders are at the helm. This category of founders is underrepresented, but with the help of Off The Grid Ventures, they aim to help their investors achieve top returns […]

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How Are Startup Investors Reacting to the Coronavirus Economy?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Coronavirus has sent the stock market into a wild ride of 1000-point swings every day. In talking with investors, I find the following: Early-stage investors continue to move forward with their investment plans.  Later-stage […]

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Investor Connect – Dr. Alicia Robb of Next Wave Impact

In this episode, Hall is joined by impact investor Dr. Alicia Robb, Founder and CEO of Next Wave Impact who are “working to increase diversity, inclusion, and impact in early-stage investing and our entrepreneurial ecosystem through our innovative learning-by-doing progressive fund model.”  Alicia received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of North […]

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Coronavirus Accelerates Changes Already Underway

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. While the Coronavirus brings a lockdown in the movement of people, it doesn’t point to an altered future, but rather an accelerated one. The Coronavirus will accelerate changes in the economy that are underway. We […]

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Investor Connect – Jared Augustine of Thuzio

In this episode, Hall welcomes Jared Augustine, CEO and Co-Founder of Thuzio. Thuzio is a sports events and media company based in New York that hosts pop-up events and produces live shows with iconic athletes. Alongside Jared, Thuzio is run with the combined work of Tiki Barber (New York Giants) and Mark Gerson (GLG). Jared […]

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Impact of Coronavirus Crash on Startup Fundraising

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The Coronavirus has taken an historic 10-year bull market and turned it into a bear market. With comparisons to 9/11, the 2008 financial meltdown, and the Great Depression, startups and investors are adjusting to a […]

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Investor Connect – Brad Payne of Walker Trolleys

In this episode, Hall welcomes Brad Payne, CEO and Founder of Walker Trolleys, a designer golf pushcart company based in Austin, Texas. Brad, who worked at Apple for many years is an avid golf player and over the years has used many types of golf pushcarts. He realized that there were many improvements that could […]

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What You Need to Bring to the Table: Sales, Team, Product and Fundraise

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In raising funding, investors want to know what progress the company is making.  After the initial presentation, the investor wants to hear about progress in four areas: Sales, team, product, and the fundraise. For Sales […]

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Sales: Show Customer Engagement at Every Step of the Way

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Most startups focus on the product first and treat the customer as an after-thought.  The investor knows that in the long run customer revenue will make or break your business — not the product.  In […]

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How to Build a Relationship With an Investor – Start With a Prospect List

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. To pitch your deal you must first start with a prospect list of investors. Include your contacts who are angels, family offices, and VCs. Canvas your network for those who know angels, family offices, and […]

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Team: A Core Team of Someone Building It and Someone Selling It

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The investor will look closely at the team in your startup. In particular, they will look for skills and completeness.  Your team must have the skills you need to accomplish the work and you’re not […]

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Investor Connect – Samy Eissa of Hit Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Samy Eissa, a 12-year veteran in the music industry. He founded Hit Ventures, a boutique VC fund & consulting firm leveraging its exclusive network of partners who assist startups primarily in entertainment, media & hospitality technologies.  As an entrepreneur, entertainment professional and business enthusiast, Samy constantly looks to push the […]

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Say Your Business in 5 Words or Less

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The sign of a quality pitch is the simplicity in the message. One test is, can you say your business in five words or less? You should know your business well enough that you can […]

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Investor Connect – Brent Ogilvie of Pacific Channel Limited

In this episode, Hall is joined by Brent Ogilvie co-founder and Managing Director of deep-tech investment firm Pacific Channel Limited, headquartered in New Zealand. Pacific Channel Limited was founded in 2006 and to date, has inserted over NZD $50 million of early-stage funding into 27 New Zealand early-stage companies. The New Zealand government is very […]

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Investor Connect – Pedro Falcão of LC Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Pedro Falcão, Managing Director of LC Ventures, the first global, hands-on, accelerator-investment vehicle in Portugal. Pedro’s began his career in the 1980’s in roles ranging from programmer, to analyst, to strategic consultant (just to name a few). When he realized he wanted to work for himself, Pedro became an early-stage […]

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