Investor Connect

We help Startups and Investors Connect for Funding
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What to Do when the Investor Says No

Changing the product, the price or the promotion? Today, we’ll talk about What to do when the investor says no. In raising funding you’ll hear “no” quite often. There are many reasons why investors do not invest. Sometimes, they are busy with other deals. Other times, they are looking for a deal in another sector […]

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Startup Communication with Investors

It’s important for a startup to have regular communication with investors during the fundraise. It keeps the investor up to date on your progress and helps build the relationship. For updates, find  a cadence that fits your business. For fundraising, every two weeks is a good pace. After funding move to monthly or quarterly updates. […]

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Raise the Bar in Networking

I receive requests for introductions from many sources. Startups want to meet investors. Advisors want to meet growth companies. The list goes on. Over the years, I’ve learned to raise the bar. I could take whatever attachment they have and make the introduction. Instead, I raise the bar by requiring the requestor to make it […]

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Anecdotes Tell, Numbers Sell

I was recently talking with a startup who had a photo service. He spent $3K to test out his business model. He found he could sign up one photographer for every dollar spent and how much revenue he could generate with each one. As he spoke, I found myself engaging with his pitch when he […]

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Your One Key Metric: Mobile Apps

Every startup has one key metric to grow their business to the next level. The one key metric for mobile app businesses is user engagement with the app. This measures how much time or how often the user engages with the app. The user needs to engage on a regular basis and over time increase […]

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Your One Key Metric: SaaS Businesses

Every startup has one key metric to grow their business to the next level. For a software as a service business it is the CAC: LTV ratio CAC standards for Cost of Customer Acquisition and represents the cost of signing up the customer including marketing, sales, and any other related expenses. Lifetime value and stands […]

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Your One Key Metric: Network Effects

Every startup has one key metric to grow their business to the next level. The one key metric for network effect businesses is organic vs. paid users. The share of organic users relative to paid users should increase over time because as the network expands, more users want to join. Users can come from those who […]

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Your One Key Metric: Medical Devices

Every startup has one key metric to grow their business to the next level.  In applications requiring FDA certification, revenue is not the key metric, but rather FDA approval is. For medical device companies the key metric is cycle time through the 510K application and approval process.  The purpose of a 510k submission is to […]

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Investor Connect – Kerry Rupp of True Wealth Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Kerry Rupp, General Partner at True Wealth Ventures. True Wealth Ventures is an early-stage venture capital fund run by women. They invest in women-led companies with products and technologies in the sustainable consumer and consumer health sectors that more efficiently solve the next generation of challenges. They believe that because […]

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Your One Key Metric: CPG

Every startup has one key metric to grow their business to the next level. For consumer product companies selling through retail, the key metric is same-store sales. You track ongoing sales by units per store each week or month. This metric tracks your organic growth rate of the product and can range anywhere from 1 […]

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Investor Connect – Sasha Shtern of Zero G Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes Sasha Shtern of Zero G Capital. Sasha is a seasoned entrepreneur with deep ties to the Denver startup community, and known for investing and operating companies in manufacturing, construction services, and technology. In addition, Sasha is the co-founder of Rocky Mountain Blockchain and co-organizer of Ethereum Denver, one of the […]

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Your One Key Metric: eCommerce

Every startup has one key metric to grow their business to the next level. For eCommerce, the key metric is sales conversion rate. Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who make a purchase. For most sites, the conversion rate is 1 to 5 percent. You can find it manually by dividing the number […]

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Investor Connect – Vickie Zisman of Bastet Communication

In this episode, Hall welcomes Vickie Zisman, Owner at Bastet Communication. Vickie is a skilled corporate communications professional. She has led corporate activity in marketing, marcomm, events, as well as investor/partner/international relations. She has worked in corporate PR, digital media & social networks as well as the cross-cultural business environment in the private and non-profit […]

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You’re Three Pivots Away

The first vision of a business may seem grand and clear.  Upon launching the business you’ll find it doesn’t exactly fit with the market so you pivot. It takes 3 pivots to get to the growth phase of your startup. The first is the Target Market pivot– you take this when you find the right […]

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Investor Connect – Brian Deutsch of XV Capital Group

In this episode, Hall welcomes Brian Deutsche, Founder of XV Capital Group. XVVC focuses on seed-stage investments across industries in the US. Before XV Capital, Brian was a CPS by trade with a focus on chemical manufacturing. Brian then went on to grad school to get an MBA to transition into the world of investment […]

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What Documents do you Need?

Before you launch your fundraise, you’ll need to build some basic documents for pitching the investor and following up their due diligence. Start with a basic pitch deck, ten to 12 slides, that includes a non-confidential introductory version of your deal. For first presentations to an investor, keep it simple and focused on the core. […]

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Investor Connect – Josh Chapman of Konvoy Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Josh Chapman, Managing Partner of Konvoy Ventures. Konvoy Ventures is an early-stage venture capital fund that focuses exclusively on video gaming & esports. Josh has a background in finance and has worked at both BlackRock and Morgan Stanley. He decided that he wanted to use those skills and be a […]

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Where to Look for Funding

I’m often asked where startups should look for funding. There are many sources. First, start with your family and friends, as they already know you and believe in you. Second, expand the circle to include current and previous coworkers. If accelerators are appropriate for your deal, then consider those not only in your geographical area […]

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Investor Connect – Paul Sethi of 2048 Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Paul Sethi of 2048 Ventures. Paul is a co-founder and Managing Partner at 2048 Ventures. For 7+ years prior to 2048 Ventures, Paul was CEO of Redbooks, leading sales data and intelligence platform for the marketing industry (acq. by List Partners – May 2018). He also co-founded Robuzz, an advanced […]

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What Type of Investor Should You Seek?

For early stage funding there are several types of investors. Angel, VC, Family office, or customer funding. So which type is right for your deal? This depends on your type of business, the return and timeframe for that return. VCs want standard business models in high growth sectors with a 10X return in seven years. […]

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Investor Connect – Michael Mealling and Steven Jorgenson of Starbridge Venture Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes Michael Mealling and Steven Jorgenson of Starbridge Venture Capital. Michael co-founded Masten Space Systems, was CTO of Seraph Group (a seed-stage VC fund), is the CEO of the Waypaver Foundation, and the President of the Moon Society. He has helped build several startups over the years ranging from telecom consulting […]

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What Deal Structure Should You Use

There are two primary deal structures for your startup fundraise. There’s the convertible note which is a debt instrument that converts to equity later. However, if you want to use a straight debt instrument you should use a promissory note. Then there’s equity. It gives ownership rights in the company. The ownership is set by […]

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Investor Connect – Grant Newlin of Newlin Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Grant Newlin of Newlin Ventures. Grant started his career as a management consultant at UI, before moving to investment banking, M&A, financial planning, and eventually working in food tech with Kraft Heinz. He ultimately started working with New Stack Ventures doing angel deals, before founding his firm, Newlin Ventures. Grant […]

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How Much Funding Should you Raise?

Every day I ask entrepreneurs how much they are raising. Most begin with the big number–the full and complete raise they anticipate to run. This ranges usually between $1m and $10M. It’s good to have the big picture in mind. Some actually consider raising it all at once because “they want to get the fundraising […]

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Investor Connect – Reed Berglund of iSnap

In this episode, Hall welcomes Reed Berglund of iSnap. Reed is a tech startup advisor and CEO of iSnap, a SAAS company with a platform that is helping businesses collect customer video stories and gauge customer satisfaction. As an advisor, Reed supports a portfolio of the company’s capital, content, time and experience. The current portfolio […]

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Five Competitive Advantages: Virality

Competitive advantages increase revenue by 30% over the competition or decrease cost by 30%. Virality is a key competitive advantage in which users invite other users to join your platform. Virality reduces your cost of customer acquisition. It’s is different from Network Effects. Network Effects shows the platform increasing in value based on more users […]

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Investor Connect – Ciarán Hynes of COSIMO Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Ciarán Hynes, co-founder and Managing Partner at COSIMO Ventures, a deep technology firm specializing in Blockchain. With over ten years of deep tech market experience, Ciarán leverages his extensive network of investors, advisors, government agencies and business leaders throughout the U.S. to bring strategic benefits to these organizations. In this […]

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Five Competitive Advantages: Network Effects

A competitive advantage increases revenue by 30% over the competition or decreases cost by 30%. Most businesses increase in value as the customer base grows and validates the product/service. Users encourage others to join the platform. This is called Network Effects. As the number of users grow, so the value of the platform grows as […]

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Investor Connect – James Somauroo of HS.Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes James Somauroo of HS. Ventures. James is a Founding Partner at HS. Ventures, which build, scales and invests in the best health tech startups. James is a health tech contributor for Forbes and hosts the HS. Health-Tech Podcast, which is listened to in 80 countries. He’s an anesthetics and ICU […]

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Five Competitive Advantages: Platform Based Solutions

Competitive advantages increase revenue by 30% over the competition or decrease cost by 30%. A platform-based solution is a competitive advantage over a single-product company, as a platform brings an inherent cost advantage. Platforms reuse the research, design, architecture, and product packaging. Customer support is also reused. Consider adopting a platform-based approach to your business. […]

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Investor Connect – Kevin King of Texas Halo Fund

In this episode, Hall welcomes Kevin King, Managing Director of Texas Halo Fund. Texas Halo Fund (THF) is an investment company that specializes in investing in early-stage businesses with promising growth prospects and exceptional management teams. Their investment approach identifies compelling businesses from multiple sources and without regard to the industry or geographic location. They […]

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Five Competitive Advantages: Recurring Revenue

Competitive advantages increase revenue by 30% over the competition or decrease cost by 30%. Recurring revenue is a key competitive advantage. In today’s world you would think every business has recurring revenue. Yet, I find most businesses who are raising funding did not structure their business for recurring revenue. Recurring revenue helps your business in […]

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Investor Connect – Stephen Meade of

In this episode, Hall welcomes Stephen Meade of MonetaPro, a B2B sell-for-credit exchange using blockchain technology to deliver better efficiency, liquidity, and trust to global trade. Stephen is an entrepreneur, executive, and founder who has built numerous successful technology companies over the past 20 years. Stephen talks about how he entered the FinTech space and […]

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Five Competitive Advantages: Channel Access

A competitive advantage increases revenue by 30% over the competition or decreases cost by 30%. Channel access is a key competitive advantage. Channel access lets you connect to a set of customers that others cannot. Perhaps your previous job gave you contacts throughout the industry that you can now leverage for your startup. Perhaps you […]

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Investor Connect – Gary Madsen of ProTransit Nanotherapy

In this episode, Hall welcomes Gary Madsen of ProTransit Nanotherapy. Gary Madsen, Ph.D., has over 30 years of experience in developing and launching biotechnology products in a wide variety of markets at companies of various sizes. He spent 17 years at Abbott Laboratories in product support, new product development and business development. His expertise in […]

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How to Get In Front of Investors

In raising funding you need to find investors. So how do you get in front of them? First, identify the right type of investor and build up your network in that area.  Know your sector, stage, and revenue category and look for those who invest in it. If your target investor funds  biotech then you […]

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Investor Connect – Djalil Reghis of Agroecology Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes Djalil Reghis of Agroecology Capital. Agroecology Capital is a mission-driven early-stage venture fund that invests in technologies that help agriculture transition toward practices focused on safety, sustainability, productivity, and equitability. Djalil is an AgTech early-stage investor with an experience that spans roles in investment, M&A, Government Affairs, and Board Director. […]

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Standard Startup Metrics Apply

Entrepreneurs are often enchanted with the idea behind their business that they think investors will write them a check based on the idea alone. Many have great ideas but I always say no matter how great your idea is standard startup metrics apply. New technologies can capture the imagination such as blockchain in 2017 that […]

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Investor Connect – Stephanie Campbell of Houston Angel Network/ The Artemis Fund

In this episode, Hall welcomes Stephanie Campbell of Houston Angel Network and The Artemis Fund. Stephanie is the Managing Director of the Houston Angel Network, one of the most active angel networks in the country. She is also Managing Partner at the Artemis Fund, the first female-founded, female-focused venture fund in Houston, Texas. The Artemis […]

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Five Competitive Advantages

When I ask an entrepreneur what their competitive advantage is, most point to their product and say it’s better. Of course, they spend ten minutes citing anecdotal stories to “prove” it. My definition of a competitive advantage is that it increases revenue by 30% over the competition or is a decrease in cost by 30%. […]

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Investor Connect – Manuela de Paula of Babel Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Manuela de Paula of Babel Ventures. BABEL Ventures is a VC firm based in Silicon Valley that focuses on investing in early-stage startups founded by antifragile entrepreneurs. They focus on innovation and technology, partnering with revolutionary startups. In this episode, Manuela shares how she got into investing before Babel Ventures. […]

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The Many Types of Startup Investors

When I started angel investing over twenty years ago, there were angels, venture capital funds, and accelerators. That was about it. Today there are many more investor types in the early stage funding arena. Here’s my experience with the investor types including how much they invest and what they expect as a return in general: Crowdfunders […]

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Investor Connect – Rufo Guerreschi of

In this episode, Hall welcomes Rufo Guerreschi CEO and Founder of Rufo is an entrepreneur, activist and researcher in the area of leading-edge IT security and privacy. As a founder of startups and NGOs over the last 20 years, he has strived to radically advance the state-of-the-art of security and privacy of private digital […]

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Investor Connect – Faris Ghawi of Vytalize Health

In this episode, Hall welcomes Faris Ghawi of Vytalize Health. Vytalize Health enables primary care providers to enhance the scope of care provided for Medicare patients. Their comprehensive services include in-home, remote and brick-and-mortar care, as well as on-demand urgent care. Faris provides advice for investors coming into the healthcare space and highlights how the […]

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Finding an Exit

How Investors can find an exit in a Startup Investment. One of the challenges for investors funding startups is finding the exit.   Startups typically exit through an IPO or an acquisition by a larger company. As a startup  investor you have little to no control over the exit and can end up in a deal […]

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How Fundraising is like fishing

I meet a great number of entrepreneurs and have seen numerous approaches to raising funding. Some approach it as an opportunity to meet new people and explore another part of the entrepreneur ecosystem. Others see it as a chore that distracts from the real business such as product development, closing sales, creating the next unicorn (take your […]

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Investor Connect – Bader Alam of CAVU Venture Partners

In this episode, Hall welcomes Bader Alam of CAVU Venture Partners. CAVU Venture Partners is a consumer-focused investment firm founded by operators, that aims to partner with operators in building high-growth and disruptive businesses. They are partners and operators first, investors second. Bader is the Senior Vice President at CAVU and has over 10 years […]

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No Startup Investor Ever Said

There are some statements I’ve never heard a startup Investor ever say. Here are some of them: No startup investor ever said: -I hear way too often from that startup that I invested in. -There are so many good deals to invest in- where do I start? -The payback on that startup investment came fast. […]

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Investor Connect – Follow up with James Sowers Angel Investor

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Forbes’ Top-50 angel investor James Sowers. Since we heard from James last, he has been speaking at several family-office conferences and working with corporations to further educate them on blockchain technology, and whether it is a realistic solution for them. James talks about some of the latest companies he […]

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No Startup Ever Said

There are some statements I’ve never heard a startup CEO say. Here are some of them: -Fundraising just flew by. I didn’t have a chance to really enjoy it. -Sales is the easiest part of the business. -All my customers are happy and no one is complaining. -There are so many good people to choose […]

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Investor Connect – Mark Lesney of Chilligence

In this episode, Hall welcomes Mark Lesney of Chilligence. Early in his career Mark worked in the retail-automotive space as Vice President of Operations with a large automotive company that was acquired by the Blackstone Group. Mark had colleagues in the entrepreneurship and startup space and was intrigued. He decided to change paths when his […]

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Lottery Effect

Raising funding can have the same effect as winning the lottery. Those who raise funding are both exhausted and exuberant. It’s a big win for the team and promises a brighter future for the company.  Just like the lottery, the sudden inflow of cash can change one’s perspective.   Be careful to keep your spending in […]

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Investor Connect – Flavia de la Fuente of BuildGroup

In this episode, Hall welcomes Flavia de la Fuente of BuildGroup. BuildGroup is an operator-led investment company that provides permanent capital to entrepreneurs building the next generation of technology businesses. Their innovative structure allows them to invest for the long term, so founders can focus on running their companies instead of raising the next round. […]

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How to Tell if You’re Talking to a Pretend-Preneur

The startup world is open to anybody and it seems like everybody comes through it at some time or another. I receive calls daily from entrepreneurs who are seeking to start a business, raise funding, or hire a team member. I can always tell who is the serious entrepreneur and who is the pretend-preneur- someone […]

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Investor Connect – Gene Wang of People Power

In this episode, Hall welcomes Gene Wang, CEO of People Power, a developer of consumer and white-label IoT solutions. Gene is a four-time CEO with a history of successful exits. Gene talks about how People Power uses IoT technology in the clean tech and senior care spaces, among others. He also provides advice for investors […]

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Venture Capitalists Engage in Brand Marketing

In the past venture capitalists stood in the shadows of their successful portfolio companies hinting about their contribution using veiled wording in Twitter posts. Today we see VCs stepping up to take more credit for their contribution. There are numerous examples of VCs using successful exits as validation for their investment thesis. With the explosion […]

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Investor Connect – Max Brickman of Heartland Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Max Brickman, Managing Director of Heartland Ventures. Max is an entrepreneur and venture capitalist with a passion for expanding technological innovation into smaller, underrepresented Midwestern communities. He founded Heartland Ventures, a $15mm Indiana-based venture fund, to enhance Silicon Valley startups’ access to this market. Heartland Ventures is a Midwestern-based, venture […]

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Everyone Talks a Big Game

I love startup stories. In the startup world everyone has a grand idea and big plans to make it happen.  It’s the venture world so you better have an idea that can be big. The talk around the idea is large and full of hyperbole. The future is going to be so bright that you […]

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Investor Connect – Ben Jones of Skipcart

In this episode, Hall welcomes Ben Jones of Skipcart. Skipcart is an on-demand last-mile delivery company. Retailers, grocers, and local businesses have the option to give their customers same day delivery by utilizing software and a crowdsourced community of drivers. Ben started out as an entrepreneur working on the service side for large companies before […]

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Everyone is a VC

When I look through my LinkedIn network these days it appears every fifth contact is a venture capitalist of one kind or another. When I started in the early stage funding world 20 years ago, the VC was a rare breed who had access to venture funding. Most of them were in a handful of tech […]

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Investor Connect – Jef Sharp of Qnect

In this episode, Hall welcomes Jef Sharp CEO of Qnect. Qnect is an intelligent, cloud-based connection app that gives fabricators, detailers, and engineers fast and flexible connections with significant cost and schedule savings. In minutes, users can connect most steel buildings without capital cost and with minimal initial training. Two important benefits of Qnect include […]

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Key Pointers for Startups Raising Funding

Here are some pointers for startups raising funding Launching a startup and growing a business is hard.  It’s supposed to be hard.  You need a complete team to start a business – someone building it and someone selling it.  No fair, everyone on the team is building it and no one is selling it. Being […]

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Investor Connect – Anton Golub of flovtec

On this episode, Hall welcomes Anton Golub of flovtec, a financial technology company focusing on providing liquidity for digital assets. After exhibiting a talent for mathematics at an early age, Anton eventually entered the high-frequency trading space, in a research position. Later he began working at a hedge fund, before transitioning to the blockchain space. […]

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Three Key Pointers for Investors Funding Startups

Here are three key pointers for investors who are funding startups. The team is the most important part of a startup. Diligence should focus first on the team, not the product, space, or anything else. Monitor the startup for three months before investing to gauge momentum and traction.  You need to peel back enough layers […]

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Investor Connect – Trent Simmons of Bess Corp

In this episode, Hall welcomes Trent Simmons, Founder, and CEO of Bess Corporation. BESS Corporation is a private holding company that specializes in lower market business acquisitions. At Bess, Trent maintains responsibility for strategic direction, capital allocation, and effective communication across an array of majority-owned businesses. He also maintains direct control of M&A sourcing, execution […]

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Designing for Virality not Revenue

Design for virality not revenue I heard a startup CEO once comment, ‘I wish I had designed for virality and not revenue.’ Virality is a key competitive advantage. The more your users share your information with others the more traffic and sales opportunities you will receive. Most companies set up their product and website for […]

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Investor Connect – Jason Jacobsohn of Propellant Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Jason Jacobsohn, Managing Partner of Propellant Ventures. Propellant Ventures is filling the funding gap with a powerful investment focus on fast growth early stage opportunities. They invest in “Game-Changing” companies with highly attractive valuations across underserved U.S. regions. Jason has always been an advocate for the entrepreneur. He has provided […]

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10X Rule for Startups

10X rule your Startup Today, we’ll talk about the 10X rule for Startups. For startups to displace an incumbent, the offer needs to be 10X better than the current alternatives. So often, startups go to market promising their customer an ROI of 10, 20, or 30% better. Unfortunately, that’s not enough to win over customers […]

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Investor Connect – Richard Raizes of Plutus21 Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes Richard Raizes, Partner at Plutus21 Capital. Plutus21 is a Dallas-based investment firm focused on alternative assets such as crypto, venture capital, and real estate. Before early-stage investing, Richard received a finance degree from SMU in Dallas Tx. He then worked in both investment and corporate banking. Richard has worked in […]

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How to Achieve an Exit

If they don’t define the exit, then you define the exit. Today, we’ll talk about how to achieve an exit in a startup investment. It’s easy to get into a startup investment, but difficult to get out- especially with a positive return. Most startup exits come when they sell the business to another company or […]

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Investor Connect – Gerry Reihsen of Coasis Coalition

In this episode, Hall welcomes Gerry Reihsen, Founder and CEO of Coasis Coalition. Coasis Coalition is an organization that builds community and offers a range of services to all participating or interested in participating in Opportunity Zones – investors, fund sponsors, real estate developers, startups and traditional businesses, state and city governments, and public institutions.By […]

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Investor Connect – Brett Lanuti of Nocimed

In this episode, Hall welcomes Brett Lanuti, CEO and President of Nocimed. Nocimed centers on providing a better approach to low back pain diagnosis and related patient management. Brett has been in the medical device space for 25 years, focusing on providing better outcomes for patients. Brett provides advice to investors looking to break into […]

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Should You Invest in a Startup Fund

Should You Invest in a Startup Fund Choose broad or narrow investing to meet your goals Today, we’ll talk about investing in a fund and choosing between a narrow or broad investment thesis. When does a fund make more sense than direct investments? A fund works best when you are not familiar with a sector […]

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Investor Connect – David Chaplin of SearchDex

In this episode, Hall welcomes David Chaplin of Searchdex. SearchDex is a Dallas based SEO Service and Technology company with over 15 years in the eCommerce solutions space. They believe that every search should produce meaningful outcomes. No other company can identify and solve issues as SearchDex does. Today, businesses need a navigator to drive […]

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Should You Invest in Startups

Figure out what you want to invest in then look for resources to help Today, we’ll talk about investing in startups Should you invest in startups? Startups are very risky and it’s a lot harder than it looks.  If you have already invested in mutual funds, index funds, stocks, bonds, real estate etc. then you […]

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Investor Connect – Scott Augustine of Augustine Surgical

In this episode, Hall welcomes Dr. Scott Augustine, CEO of Augustine Surgical. Augustine Surgical is dedicated to developing innovative products that target surgical safety to improve outcomes. Dr. Scott Augustine is the inventor of the HotDog Patient Warming technology and is the world’s expert on patient temperature management, having also invented Bair Hugger forced-air warming […]

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Know Your Metrics

Use Metrics to show your progress Today, we’ll talk about knowing your metrics Investors look for the metrics in your business so it’s important to know them. There are three levels of metrics you can use: Activity metrics show the basic activity of the business Unit economic metrics show the unit economic model including cost […]

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Investor Connect – David Blankman of

In this episode, Hall welcomes David Blankman of Title 3Funds provides investment opportunities in curated startups and growing businesses. They work with leading incubators to find the next big idea for their subscribed investors to hit home run after home run. David is an experienced serial entrepreneur, bootstrapping five startups in diverse industries. He […]

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Investor Connect – Suri Ganeriwala of Spectra Quest Inc.

In this episode, Hall welcomes Dr. Suri Ganeriwala Founder and President of Spectra Quest Inc. Spectra Quest, Inc. is a leading developer and manufacturer of complete Turn-key Systems for training and diagnosis in Machine Vibration Analysis, Rotor Balancing, and Shaft/Coupling Alignment. The system includes Machinery Fault Simulators, Interactive Training Program, Data Acquisition Hardware/ Software, and […]

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What to Build First

Six months to build it and six months to sell it. Today, we’ll talk about what to build first in your startup. Some startups suffer from what I call the “Vision Problem”. They have a vision in their mind about what the product/service should look like AND they have to have it on the first […]

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Investor Connect – Henry Liu of YGC

In this episode, Hall welcomes Henry Liu of Yeoman’s Growth Capital. YGC is a venture studio focused on driving enterprise adoption of blockchain. They identify enterprise blockchain needs within Fortune 500 companies, then launch, fund, and staff new ventures to pursue those opportunities.  Henry was the head of investments for an open-source technology focused family […]

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Investor Connect – Robert Morris of TerrAvion

In this episode, Hall welcomes Robert Morris of TerrAvion. TerrAvion provides high revisit rate aerial imagery for agriculture. Since 2016 they have been the largest volume provider. Robert founded TerrAvion in 2013. His professional mission is to make robotics work for agriculture. Robert led the first drone platoon in Afghanistan, where he realized that drones […]

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The Growth Story

Show the system behind your goals Today, we’ll talk about establishing a growth story for your startup Investors fund deals based on the team, the market, or the technology.  While these are popular investment thesis, the investment decision often comes down to what I call “the Growth Story”.   This is your operational revenue model showing […]

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Investor Connect – Jason Hull of Broadtree Partners

In this episode, Hall welcomes Jason Hull, Cofounder of Broadtree Partners. Broadtree Partners is a group of entrepreneurial investors focused on acquiring businesses where the owners are looking to transition from their current roles. They specialize in providing opportunities for owners to smoothly exit their companies and seamlessly change leadership, while preserving their legacy. As […]

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Investor Connect – Ronald T LeMay of Main Street Data

In this episode, Hall welcomes Ronald LeMay CEO of Main Street Data. Main Street Data was formed in 2017 to bring precise data to the agriculture world. While data has improved in many other industries, agriculture remains behind the curve and Main Street Data has set out to change that. Main Street Data enables ag-related […]

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Product and Market Validation

Validation — the Product Works and People will Pay for It Today, we’ll talk about demonstrating product and market validation In talking with startup investors the first two questions that come up are Product validation and Market Validation. The product works and someone will buy it. Investors look for evidence of this before moving into […]

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Investor Connect – Follow up with Hélène Thibieroz of We Grow Green Tech

 In this episode, Hall welcomes back Hélène Thibieroz, founder and senior managing partner of We Grow Green Tech. We Grow Green Tech focuses on accelerating growth for green technology innovation and impact by partnering with early to late-stage companies. In a previous episode, Hélène talked about shifting her career three years ago to enter the […]

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Investor Connect – Christian Garces of Texas ColdWorks

In this episode, Hall welcomes Christian Garces of Texas ColdWorks. Texas ColdWorks is the first state of the art public cold storage complex being developed in Austin, Texas. With over 280,000 SF, it will house food producers, co-packers, and logistic companies. Before Texas ColdWorks, he was the founder and CEO of Tableaux. A manufacturer of […]

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Raising Funding From Family and Friends

For family and friends funding — no one is getting paid back. Today, we’ll talk about raising funding from family and friends. Many startups launch their business with family and friends funding. Some entrepreneurs are often reluctant to take money from their family because — well Thanksgiving turkey tastes different if things don’t work out. […]

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Investor Connect – Followup with Will Szczerbiak of Greycroft

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Will Szczerbiak of Greycroft Partners. Greycroft is a leading venture capital firm focused on investments in the Internet and mobile markets. They leverage an extensive network of media and technology industry connections to help entrepreneurs gain visibility, build strategic relationships, bring their products to market, and build successful businesses. […]

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Investor Connect – Bruce Worrall of Intellasphere

In this episode, Hall welcomes Bruce Worrall CEO of IntellaSphere. IntellaSphere is the first Brand Affinity Marketing System. They help businesses/#SMBs market more effectively using a socially collaborative approach. Brand Affinity Marketing builds brand awareness and recognition with prospects and strengthens brand loyalty with customers. It’s an all-in-one service that’s simple, affordable and effective. Before […]

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Know Who is Going to Pay for Product Development

Find customers to pay for the product before you build it Today, we’ll talk about product development for startups. In growing your business you must prioritize what products you develop. In developing a new product it’s helpful to ask ‘who is going to pay for it’ before you spend money on it. The goal is […]

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Investor Connect – Richard May of Invest in Texas Initiative

In this episode, Hall welcomes Richard May Executive Director at Invest in Texas Initiative. The Invest in Texas Initiative is a statewide non-profit industry trade association of economic development officials, attorneys, consultants, developers, business owners, and other related service providers. Their mission is to promote the Texas investment landscape internationally. Before joining Invest in Texas […]

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Finding a Lead Investor

Look for the right investor to lead your deal, not just the first investor Today, we’ll talk about finding a lead investor for your deal. I’m often approached by a startup who has several investors interested in their deal but no one wants to lead it. This is not surprising given how much work goes […]

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Investor Connect – Kirk Otis of Merger Partners

In this episode, Hall welcomes Kirk Otis of Merger Partners. Hall and Eric talk about how companies can move their marketing function from a startup stage to a growth stage company. Merger Partners, a mid to lower market Investment bank, focuses on connecting entrepreneurs, business leaders, and management teams with the PE Capital market in […]

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Use the Rule of 4 to Value Your Startup

Today, we’ll talk about how to value your startup. Since startups don’t have significant revenue then how do you value your startup when fundraising? Traditional tools such as discounted cash flow, book value, and other standard accounting techniques don’t work for early stage companies. For startup valuations we use the rule of 4. For each […]

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Investor Connect – Gale Bowman of IrishAngels Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Gale Bowman of IrishAngels. IrishAngels was formed in 2012 as an angel investment network affiliated with the University of Notre Dame. Investors in the network all have ties to the university and they currently have over 230 investors in their active network. IrishAngels focuses on seed-stage investing. They look at […]

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What Documents do you Need for your Fundraise?

Today, we’ll talk about the documents you need for your fundraise. The pitch deck, the terms sheet, and the projections The first document is the pitch deck.This is usually ten to fifteen slides introducing your deal to the prospective investor. It should cover the basics of the business including the problem you are solving, the […]

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Investor Connect – Ed Pearce of Paragon Digital

In this episode, Hall welcomes Ed Pearce of Paragon Digital. Before investing in early-stage companies, Ed was an attorney for many years. He was general counsel of two publicly-traded companies. When both companies sold, he went to work for a venture capital firm in Dallas. Ed has a love for starting companies and coaching people […]

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The Investor Types for your Startup

Today, we’ll talk about the different type of investors you will find in the startup world. There are four type of investors for your startup — Venture Capital, Angel Investors, Family Offices and High Networth Individuals. There are lenders who provide debt financing but that’s a topic for another day. Venture Capitalists are professionals with […]

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