Investor Connect

We help Startups and Investors Connect for Funding
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Investor Discussion After the Pitch

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. After the pitch comes the investor discussion, in person or by conference call.  Research the investors in advance by looking them up on LinkedIn and their own company websites. In setting up a call or […]

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Common Mistakes in Developing a Pitch Deck

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In developing the pitch deck, there are several mistakes I often see. One of the most common is trying to explain in great detail how the product or technology works. Instead, focus on the benefits […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Monetization Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck, the fifth slide is the monetization slide. It answers the question on how you make money.  Show the business model you are using such as recurring revenue, transaction fees, or other. […]

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Investor Perspectives: Sectors in the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.  It’s the time of COVID-19. Cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. and is gaining rapid adoption. […]

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Investor Perspectives: COVID-19 Impact on the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. It’s the time of COVID-19. Cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. The lockdown has declared certain […]

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Investor Perspectives: Future Outlook on the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. It’s the time of COVID-19. Cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. and is gaining rapid adoption. […]

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Investor Perspectives: COVID-19-Proofing the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. It’s the time of COVID-19. Cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. and is gaining rapid adoption. […]

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Investor Connect – Brendan Manley of iCAMP

In this episode, Hall welcomes Brendan Manley, Co-Founder of iCAMP. iCAMP is a STEAM (approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking) program that focuses on transforming students from consumers to creators. Since launching in 2018, they have had thousands […]

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Investor Connect – Dick Blanc of Beyond Angel Network and Fund at Cedarville University

In this episode, Hall welcomes Dick Blanc, Chairman of Beyond Angel Network and Fund and Executive Director of the Beyond Entrepreneurial Accelerator at Cedarville University. Located in Cedarville, Ohio, Cedarville University is forming a Cedarville University Angel Network, comprised of alumni and friends of the University. The Cedarville Angel Network is an investor network providing […]

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Investor Perspectives: Regulatory Trends in the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.  It’s the time of COVID-19. Cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. and is gaining rapid adoption. […]

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Investor Perspectives: Products and Technology Trends in the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.  It’s the time of COVID-19. Cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. and is gaining rapid adoption. […]

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Investor Connect – David Weaver of City Side Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes David Weaver, Partner & Chief Investment Officer at City Side Ventures. With its headquarters in Birmingham, Michigan, City Side Ventures is a venture group that manages various venture funds and represents investor syndications across the U.S. Their group is committed to being a catalyst in growing the startup ecosystem in […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Investment Opportunity Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck, the twelfth slide is the Investment Opportunity slide. This slide shows the fundraise target and how much is raised so far. Include interest and committed investors as well as invested funds […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Financial Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck, the eleventh slide is the Financial slide. The Financial slide gives the current status of the company with respect to revenue, expenses and profit. You want to convey highlights such as […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Value Proposition Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck, the tenth slide is the Value Proposition slide. The Value Proposition slide shows what value your product/service brings to the customer.  It should answer the question, ‘what benefits does it offer’ […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Team Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck, the ninth slide is the Team slide. Show the C-level team, include the CEO, CTO, and CSO. Include a picture of each team member with their name and title. Show the […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Competitive Advantage Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck, the eighth slide is the Competitive Advantage slide. First, highlight your core value proposition for the customer. Show what value the customer receives from your product/service. A competitive advantage gives you […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Competition Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck, the seventh slide is the Competition slide. The Competition slide often helps highlight the market size and strength by showing who else is playing in that space. In your slide, highlight […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Traction Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck, the sixth slide is the Traction slide. For this slide, show current sales as well as the funnel of upcoming sales opportunities. Include forecast numbers for each opportunity. Show the pipeline […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Market Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck, the fourth slide is the Market slide. The Market slide shows the size of the opportunity. Show total available market, which is anyone you can sell to. Then show the serviceable […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Solution Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck, the third slide is the Solution slide. For your solution, show a picture of the core product or technology so the investor gets a sense of it. Describe how you came […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Problem Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck the second slide is the Problem slide. It’s important to start the pitch with the problem you are solving so the investor has a frame of reference for your startup. Show […]

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The Pitch Deck: The Title Slide

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In your pitch deck, the first slide is the Title slide. It’s important as it’s the first slide the investor will see. It should convey the style and culture of the company. On the slide, […]

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Investor Connect – Spencer Graff of NFuzed

In this episode, Hall welcomes Spencer Graff, Co-founder and CEO of NFuzed. With its headquarters in Boulder, Colorado, NFuzed is a cannabis manufacturer with licenses in Colorado and California specializing in value and innovative products. In the first ten months of production, NFuzed has grown to over $1.7M in total revenue, $300K in March 2020 […]

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How to Keep Your Family and Friends Informed

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. After funding, you need to keep your family and friends investors informed on the status of the startup. Consider the following: Be transparent about the results and share both bad news as well as good […]

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The Goal of the Pitch Deck

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The goal of the pitch deck is to introduce your deal to an investor and find out what is essential to that investor. The goal is not to tell your full story or explain how […]

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Gifts From Family and Friends

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In raising funds from family and friends, you could take it in the form of a gift.   Most family and friends want to help you out rather than make a return.   A gift is an […]

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Legal: Intellectual Property

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In launching your startup you must consider your intellectual property strategy. Intellectual property or IP includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.  You should trademark your company name. For your technology, you can either file […]

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Legal: Investor Accreditation

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In raising equity funding, you can only raise from investors who are accredited. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) establishes the criteria for those who are accredited. You can see the specific requirements on the […]

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Investor Connect – Smoke Wallin of Vertical Wellness

In this episode, Hall welcomes Smoke Wallin, CEO of Vertical Wellness. Vertical Wellness is a leading, vertically integrated, consumer-focused health and wellness brand company with innovative hemp cannabinoid solutions. Their mission is to help people by bringing the most innovative and effective portfolio of cannabinoid (CBD and others) brands to the market. Initial VWEL brands […]

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Legal: Employment Law

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In launching your startup you must consider employment law.  You should check to see what contracts your prospective employee may have signed with a former employer around non-competes, non-solicitation agreements, and assignment of inventions.  A […]

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Investor Connect – Stephen Rice of Upskill Enterprise

In this episode, Hall welcomes Stephen Rice, President and CEO of Upskill Enterprise. Located in Belfast, United Kingdom, Upskill Enterprise helps companies overcome the inertia of traditional HR processes with TalentSensus, an online, intuitive and multidimensional talent management tool for visualizing current and future skills beyond the conventional organizational chart. Stephen is a pioneer and […]

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Legal Entity

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In launching your startup you must have a legal entity to raise funding. Start with an LLC or Limited Liability Company. This can be filed with your Secretary of State at your state government.  The […]

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Investor Connect – Jake Moilanen of Seraph Group

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Jake Moilanen, Austin General Partner at Seraph Group. Located in Austin, Texas, Seraph Group brings together successful individuals who share a passion for investing in technology startups. Opportunists join Seraph for a managed and curated portfolio of 20+ companies, for the ability to co-invest on a deal-by-deal basis, and […]

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Entity Filing

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. All startups need to have a legal entity. Before you launch your fundraise make sure you have a legal entity filed as you’ll need it for accepting investment funds.  Start with an LLC which is […]

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Investor Perspectives: Sectors in the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.  It’s the time of COVID-19, cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. The lockdown has declared certain […]

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Investor Connect – Mark Peter Davis of Interplay

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Mark Peter Davis, Founder and Managing Partner of Interplay.  Interplay co-founds, incubates and invests in companies. The firm is sector, geo and stage agnostic focusing on disrupting industries through the use of technology and design. Interplay is located in New York City with offices across the U.S., the Philippines […]

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Are You Venture Fundable?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. If you want to raise venture capital funding, then check these points to see if you are venture fundable: Do you have the following: – Recurring revenue – Do you have recurring revenue in your […]

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Investor Connect – Graham Forman of Edovate Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Graham Forman, Managing Director and Founder of Edovate Capital. Edovate Capital is a seed and early-stage venture capital company investing in early-stage companies that are innovating in K12 education. They look for outstanding people to partner with for the long term, who have products or services that will transform […]

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What You Need to Do Before You Raise Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Raising funding requires document and business preparation as well as pitching and extensive followup. Throughout the process there’s one thing you need to do before you can raise the funding.  You need to build a […]

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Investor Connect – Eric Bielke of GE Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Eric Bielke, Investment Director at GE Ventures. GE Ventures is committed to identifying, scaling and accelerating ideas that will make the world work better. Focused on the areas of software and analytics, advanced manufacturing, energy and healthcare, GE Ventures helps entrepreneurs and start-ups succeed by providing access to GE’s […]

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The Importance of Milestones

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In fundraising, milestones are specific goals you have accomplished. In crafting your fundraise story, focus on key milestones both those you just hit and those you are striving for. This demonstrates you are making progress. […]

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Anchor Clients

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others such as anchor clients. Anchor clients are those who prepay for a custom version of your product. They are typically […]

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Investor Connect – Christian Kameir of Sustany Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Christian Kameir, Managing Partner at Sustany Capital. Sustany Capital is a blockchain venture fund headquartered in Newport Beach, California. Aside from investing in blockchain-related projects, the firm lends its expertise to existing companies interested in ‘security token offerings’​. Christian has been a technology investor for the past 20+ years. […]

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Consultation Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others such as consultation funding. Consultation funding is using consultation work to pay the bills and salaries while you are building […]

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Investor Perspectives: Impact of COVID-19 on the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. It’s the time of COVID-19. Cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. The lockdown has declared certain […]

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Other Funding Sources and Their Purpose

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others. In general, equity funding is for launching and growing a business and is the most expensive form of funding.  Each […]

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Investor Connect – Deepak Gupta of Blue Bear Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Deepak Gupta, Managing Partner at Blue Bear Ventures. Blue Bear Ventures (BBV) engages founders working on the frontiers of science and technology with the potential to solve some of the most pressing challenges we face in the world today. Their founders are scientists and engineers from the top research institutions […]

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Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others such as grants. Grants are typically provided by government organizations to spur research and make a small contribution to the […]

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Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others such as crowdfunding. There are several forms of crowdfunding such as crowdfunding with prepayment, crowdfunding from non-accredited investors, and crowdfunding […]

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Investor Connect – Jens Lapinski of Angel Invest Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Jens Lapinski, angel investor and Co-Founder of Angel Invest Ventures. Based in Berlin, Germany, Angel Invest Ventures is one of Europe’s most active angel investors, making 10-20 investments per year. Their initial check size is €50k, and they can make follow-on investments in later rounds. Angel Invest Ventures has made […]

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Selling Equity to Family and Friends

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Many startups use equity to fund their business.  Equity is an ownership stake in a company.  Equity aligns everyone’s interest in the startup. It preserves cash since it’s only paid upon the exit of the […]

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Investor Connect – Joel Brightfield of SixThirty Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Joel Brightfield, Principal at SixThirty Ventures. Located in St. Louis, Missouri, SixThirty Ventures is a venture fund that invests in early-stage enterprise technology companies from around the world building FinTech, InsurTech, and Cybersecurity solutions, and connects them with corporate incumbents through its Go-To-Market Program. SixThirty has built a deep and […]

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Supplier Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Another source of funding is supplier funding. Supplier funding comes from those who provide services to your company such as contract manufacturing, software development, legal, accounting services, and more. Suppliers provide their services in exchange […]

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Investor Connect – Minnie Ingersoll of TenOneTen Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Minnie Ingersoll, Partner at TenOneTen Ventures. Located in the Greater Los Angeles Area, TenOneTen Ventures is an early-stage venture capital firm. They invest in entrepreneurs that apply data and technology to disrupt existing industries, or create new categories entirely. Prior to joining TenOneTen, Minnie was the COO and co-founder of […]

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Line of Credit

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others such as a line of credit. A line of credit is a short-term loan from the bank to help smooth […]

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Investor Connect – Chelsea Burns of Escaladora Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Chelsea Burns, angel investor, Founder of Escaladora Ventures, a member of Pipeline Angels, and an avid rock climber. Chelsea was left with an inheritance following the passing of her father. She decided to use her wealth to become a sustainable angel investor, investing in impactful early-stage companies. She is currently […]

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Bootstrapping and Barter

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others such as bootstrapping and barter. Bootstrapping is using your own funds and that of initial customers to launch your business.  […]

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Investor Perspectives on Automation and Robotics: Drew Tulchin of UpSpring

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.  In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on automation and robotics and its impact on startups. COVID-19 has changed the landscape for startups giving us a new normal. During the pandemic, it became clear […]

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How to Tell If You’re Talking to a Pretend Startup Investor

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In today’s startup world it seems everyone is a startup investor in some form or fashion. Startup investors call me to discuss deal structures, valuations, or serial entrepreneurs. I can tell the difference between a […]

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Investor Connect – Heidi Ellenberger Jones of ModernJones

In this episode, Hall welcomes Heidi Ellenberger Jones, Founder and Principal Broker of ModernJones. Located in North Arlington, Virginia, and established in 2018, ModernJones breaks boundaries to offer clients a partnership that goes well beyond a traditional realtor relationship. Instead, ModernJones stays by your side when navigating all the ups and downs, what-ifs, and whirlwinds […]

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Equipment Leasing: Part 2

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others such as equipment leasing. Equipment leasing is used to reduce cash requirements for a startup by leasing the equipment rather […]

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Investor Connect – Drew Tulchin of UpSpring

In this episode, Hall welcomes Drew Tulchin, founder of UpSpring. Located in Santa Fe, New Mexico, UpSpring, previously Social Enterprise Associates, is a boutique management-consulting firm supporting the design, growth, and measurement of values based, market leveraging, and sustainable ventures across New Mexico, throughout the U.S. and around the world. UpSpring was formed by a […]

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Equipment Leasing: Part 1

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equipment leasing lets you borrow funds to obtain assets such as computers, machinery, and other items you may need to build your product and run your business.  Instead of raising equity funding to buy the […]

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Investor Connect – Hershel Mehta of Mehta Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Hershel Mehta, Head of US Investments at Mehta Ventures. With offices in Mumbai, India, and La Habra, California, Mehta Ventures is an independent, privately-owned boutique family office that invests in early-stage startups. Mehta Ventures has a first-cheque investing capacity for founders with relevant industry backgrounds. They also provide comprehensive startup, […]

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Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others such as licensing. You may be able to reduce the amount of funding needed to grow your business by licensing […]

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Investor Perspectives on Healthcare: Thomas Hawes of Blue Venture Fund

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.  In today’s show, you’ll hear about healthcare and its impact on startups. COVID-19 has changed the landscape for startups giving us a new normal. During the pandemic, it became clear the need for changes […]

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Factoring: Part 2

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others such as factoring. Factoring is selling your accounts receivables to a finance company at a discounted rate.   It’s not a […]

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Investor Connect – Angela Lee of 37 Angels

In this episode, Hall welcomes Angela Lee, founder of 37 Angels.  Founded in 2012, 37 Angels activates the untapped capital and experience women can bring by investing in female and male-led startups. The fund’s mission is to close the gender gap in startup investing. Although they are sector-agnostic, they invest a lot in health-tech, logistics-tech, […]

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Factoring: Part 1

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. When you sell a physical product and invoice the customer, it can take 30, 45, 60 days or more before they pay.   Factoring provides funding by reducing your accounts receivable by selling the invoice.  The […]

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Investor Connect – Mary Long-Irwin of Northern Ontario Angels

In this episode, Hall welcomes Mary Long-Irwin, Executive Director of Northern Ontario Angels (NOA). Located in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, and created in 2005, Northern Ontario Angels is an organization that matches entrepreneurs with investors across Northern Ontario. The creative concept and foundation of this network was developed to take Northern Ontario businesses to the […]

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Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others such as loans. Loans are debt instruments that must be repaid. Startups can find it difficult to get a traditional […]

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Investor Connect – Chenoa Farnsworth of Hawaii Angels

In this episode, Hall welcomes Chenoa Farnsworth, Co-founder and Managing Director of Hawaii Angels. Located in Honolulu, Hawaii, and established in 2002, ​​Hawaii Angels provides a forum for members to review investment presentations and share opinions about those opportunities. The forum also allows for networking with professionals of various backgrounds, and exploring new opportunities in […]

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Accelerators & Incubators

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Equity funding is just one source of funding for your startup. There are many others such as accelerators and incubators. Accelerators and incubators provide startups with workspace, mentorship, pitch practice, and in some cases funding.  […]

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Investor Connect – Elena-Cristina Conacel of BootstrapBay

In this episode, Hall welcomes Elena-Cristina Conacel, Co-founder and Managing Partner of BootstrapBay. Located in Buzău, Romania, BootstrapBay is a marketplace for premium Bootstrap themes and templates and they “build beautiful websites in minutes using our feature-packed, fully responsive, and customizable themes and templates.” In addition to the marketplace, they publish high-quality content and resources […]

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Taking Loans From Family and Friends

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Many startups use loans to fund their business. If you are taking a loan from family and friends, here are some points to consider: The first step is to determine the amount of the loan […]

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Investor Perspectives on Healthcare: Jun Deng of Joyance Partners

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on healthcare and its impact on startups. COVID-19 has changed the landscape for startups giving us a new normal. During the pandemic, it became clear the need […]

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Investor Connect – Denis Coleman of Life Science Angels

In this episode, Hall welcomes Denis Coleman of Life Science Angels. Located in Palo Alto, California, Life Science Angels is a not-for-profit corporation with 130-150 accredited investor members, 12-18 highly qualified Fellows, and 12-15 Sponsor organizations. They take no carry or management fees on investments and they do not charge companies any fees. They have […]

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Before Launching Your Business With Family & Friends Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Many startups raise funding from family and friends on their first round to get the startup going. Before launching, make sure you do the following:  Co-founders should agree on the equity split for each one […]

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Profit Sharing

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Many startups use profit sharing to fund their business.  It is important that everyone involved has a very clear understanding of how “profit” is calculated. There are three locations in the startup’s profit and loss […]

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Investor Perspectives – The Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding Part 9

Investor Connect is proud to introduce a brand new Podcast series: Investor Perspectives. In this, our last episode of part one of our series, we conclude our discussion on the Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding with experienced investors from the TEN Capital network.  In today’s installment, we’re focusing on what new investment […]

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Should You Take Money From Family and Friends?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. I’m often asked if you should you take money from family and friends to fund your startup. Outside investors will look at family-and-friends funding as a sign of support for your business.   If your family […]

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Paying off the Loan

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Many startups use loans to fund their business. Here are a few ways to set up a payment structure and schedule. For payment structure you can use: Interest-only payments — in the beginning the startup […]

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Investor Connect – Grace Belangia of

In this episode, Hall welcomes Grace Belangia, Executive Director and Founding Member of is a co-working and collaboration space in the heart of downtown Augusta, Georgia. Today, is a co-working space, a makerspace, a code school, a startup accelerator, a prototyping lab, a mentorship network, an organizer of events, and a think […]

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Family and Friends Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Many startups raise funding from family and friends on their first round to get the startup going. For those considering family-and-friends funding, think about the profile of the type of investor you need. Clearly, the […]

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Investor Perspectives – The Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding Part 8

Investor Connect is proud to introduce a brand new Podcast series: Investor Perspectives. Over the next few weeks, we continue our discussion on the Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding with experienced investors from the TEN Capital network. In today’s installment, we’re focusing on what new investment thesis the COVID-19 pandemic will bring […]

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How VCs Make Money

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. So how do Venture Capitalists make money? VCs charge the limited partners a management fee on the funds raised. This is traditionally 2% which is paid out every year for the life of the fund.   […]

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Investor Connect – Olusegun Okubanjo of Obsidian Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes Olusegun Okubanjo, Managing Partner of Obsidian Capital. Based in London, Obsidian Capital is a boutique investment banking firm that arranges infrastructure-oriented, transaction-based funding for mid-sized clients in West Central and East Africa. They are excited about Emerging Africa’s economic potential and are committed to supporting private-sector led growth on the […]

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Fund Report to LPs

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The fund manager provides a quarterly report to the Limited Partners.  The reports typically contain the following sections: 1) Fund Manager Commentary — the fund manager provides an overview of the current news and trends […]

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Investor Expectations of Returns

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Investors in the startup space have a certain expectation for returns.  Startups raising funding should keep in mind these expectations and only approach them if they have a deal that is in the game for […]

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Funds Held in Reserve

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. When a Venture Capitalist makes an investment, they place a portion of their allocated investment upfront in the first round and save the rest for a follow-on round. Most VCs put criteria on the startup’s […]

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Investor Connect – Tarek Assaad of Algebra Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Tarek Assaad, Managing Partner of Algebra Ventures. Algebra Ventures is Egypt’s leading technology VC firm. Based in Cairo, the company is a $50-million venture capital fund that invests in early-stage technology companies in Egypt and the MENA region. Its LPs include Cisco, the European Commission, EAEF, EBRD, IFC, and private […]

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Syndicates and Syndication

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Both angels and venture capitalists often invest in syndicates.   In a syndicate, one of the investors leads the round and the other investors follow.  Sometimes the syndicate is a formal group in which the lead […]

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Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. A venture fund brings a fiduciary responsibility to those raising the funds from limited partners.  A fiduciary means the VC must act in the best interest of the investors. VCs who sit on the boards […]

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Investor Perspectives – The Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding Part 7

Investor Connect is proud to introduce a brand new Podcast series: Investor Perspectives. Over the next few weeks, we continue our discussion on the Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding with experienced investors from the TEN Capital network. In today’s installment, we’re focusing on their preparation for the market after the lockdown, what […]

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How VCs Raise Venture Funding

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing So how do Venture Capitalists raise funding? VCs raise funding from limited partners which include family offices, high-net-worth individuals, foundations, pension funds, and other sources. Institutional investors such as pension funds require a track record, […]

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Investor Connect – Eyal Lifschitz of Peregrine Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Eyal Lifschitz, Co-Founder & General Managing Partner at Peregrine Ventures. Peregrine Ventures is Israel’s leading venture capital fund and they invest in promising early-stage high-tech companies with a strong emphasis on Life Sciences, Digital Health and Information Technology. Eyal has been an entrepreneur since the ’90s and prior to founding […]

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Targeting Investors for Your Fund

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Targeting investors for your fund and getting buy-in is a key step in raising a fund.  Potential investors include family offices, high-net-worth individuals (HNI), and angel investors.  Larger institutional investors such as pension funds, are […]

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Investor Perspectives – The Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding Part 6

Investor Connect is proud to introduce a brand new Podcast series: Investor Perspectives. Over the next few weeks, we continue our discussion on the Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on Startup Funding with experienced investors from the TEN Capital network. In today’s installment, we’re focusing on what our investors are doing to prepare for the […]

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What Is Growth Equity?

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. So what is growth equity? Growth equity refers to investing in a company at later rounds such as Series C or D. These companies typically have $3-5M of revenue and are beginning to start the […]

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