Investor Connect – Stephen Rice of Upskill Enterprise

Investor Connect – Stephen Rice of Upskill Enterprise

July 31, 2020 by investor

In this episode, Hall welcomes Stephen Rice, President and CEO of Upskill Enterprise.

Located in Belfast, United Kingdom, Upskill Enterprise helps companies overcome the inertia of traditional HR processes with TalentSensus, an online, intuitive and multidimensional talent management tool for visualizing current and future skills beyond the conventional organizational chart.

Stephen is a pioneer and innovator of unique and modern workforce solutions. He is the inventor of TalentSensus and has been working in workforce and skills development for over 10 years in challenging commercial business environments internationally. Stephen has extensive experience in design, development, sales and delivery of various restructuring solutions. With a global outlook on life, he is constantly learning about new ways to use skills and slowly support the education and skills revolution from the grassroots up. 

Stephen shares with Hall what led him to start working in this space, how important it is for equality and fairness to exist in the workplace, some effects COVID-19 has had on the sector, how he sees the industry evolving, and how Upskill Enterprise fits into the landscape of the sector. 

You can visit Upskill Enterprise at and TalentSensus at    

Stephen can be contacted via LinkedIn at, and via email at

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Hall T Martin is the director of Investor Connect, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to the education of investors for early-stage funding. All opinions expressed by Hall and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of Investor Connect. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for the basis of investment decisions.