Investor Connect

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Investor Connect: Sophie Liao of Oyster Ventures

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Sophie Liao, Founding Partner at Oyster Ventures. Oyster Ventures is a seed-stage-focused venture fund based in San Francisco, New York, and Hong Kong. They target companies that bring liquidity and efficiency to antiquated industries and with massive potential to scale. Since 2016, they have launched three funds […]

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How to Build a Financial Model

How to Build a Financial Model It’s best to build your own financial model so you understand it thoroughly. Here are the steps to build your financial model: Define the goal for the model.   Figure out how you will use it and what decisions you need to make. This will determine what details you need […]

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Why Build a Financial Model?

Why Build a Financial Model? In building a startup, the financial model is a key step in validating the viability of the business. Templates can educate on what to include and how to format, but it’s best to start from scratch. Every founder should build their own financial model at the beginning of the company […]

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Investor Perspectives: Show 5 – Faith-Based Investing in a Post-COVID World – Investment Thesis

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In our new Investor Perspectives series entitled “Faith-Based Investing in a Post-COVID World”, you’ll hear our guests’ investment theses.   As the COVID pandemic passes, we emerge into a new era. The faith-based investing space […]

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Founder Business Skills Required

Founder Business Skills Required In starting a company, there are key skills required of the founder: Here is a list of basic skills: Team building — the founder must find a co-founder, build a board, and make the initial hires. Leadership — the founder must set the vision of the company and build support within […]

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Investor Connect: Eloiza Tecson of EY Ventures Group

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Eloiza Tecson, Managing Partner at EY Ventures Group. Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, EY Ventures Group is dedicated to moving early-stage (pre-seed and seed) brands and professionals forward at scale. Serving as strategic advisors and investors within the health, wellness, and sports space, the mission lies in […]

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Metrics for B2B SaaS

Metrics for B2B SaaS Here are the key metrics for B2B SaaS startups: Committed Annual Recurring Revenue (CARR) – this shows the overall health of the business as it includes new users as well as churn. To calculate, take the current ARR and add new bookings and upsells, and subtract downgrade bookings and churn. Net […]

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Metrics Investors Use

Metrics Investors Use Investors also use metrics. Here’s a list of key metrics investors focus on: Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) Growth – the overall growth rate of the revenue is a key factor. Month-over-month growth demonstrates product-market fit. Magic number – shows how sales and marketing spend drives revenue. To calculate, take this quarter revenue […]

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Investor Connect: Ahmet Şener of Smart Citizenship

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Ahmet Şener, Managing Partner at Smart Citizenship. Smart Citizenship, is a citizenship-by-investment consultancy company aiming to bring unprecedented transparency to overseas investments made for the purpose of attaining secondary passports or alternative residencies. Powered by Smart Choice, the only algorithmic decision support system in the industry which […]

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Your Top 3 Metrics

Your Top 3 Metrics  There are many metrics you can use for your startup. Focus on these top three metrics for your startup at each stage: For pre-seed, focus on qualitative activities such as customer interviews and community development. Track the number of calls made, the number of interviews completed, and the number of communities […]

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Efficiency and Predictability Metrics

Efficiency and Predictability Metrics In addition to growth, there is efficiency to measure. This is important to consider as you grow your business. Here are some key metrics to use: Magic number – shows how many revenue dollars your sales and marketing dollars generate. To calculate, take current quarter revenues minus previous quarter revenues times […]

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Investor Perspectives: Show 4 – Faith-Based Investing in a Post-COVID World – Primary Trends and What Makes for a Successful Faith-Based Company

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In our new Investor Perspectives series entitled “Faith-Based Investing in a Post-COVID World”, you’ll hear about primary trends and what makes for a successful faith-based company. As the COVID pandemic passes, we emerge into […]

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Metrics for a Downturn Economy

Metrics for a Downturn Economy In a downturn economy, metrics can help you make decisions about your business. Here are some key metrics to consider: Net burn rate – measures the actual cash lost in a single month.  To calculate, subtract the total revenue from the total amount of money spent month over month. Use […]

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TEN Capital Fundraise Launch Program: Preparing Fundraise Content

Thank you for joining us today for our TEN Capital Fundraise Launch Program. In this program, we help startups prepare for a fundraise.  We provide templates, tools, eGuides, and advice to founders who are working towards raising funding. We’ll kick off the session with a short overview on a fundraising topic, then we’ll answer questions […]

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Segment Your Data

Segment Your Data In running metrics, it’s important to segment your data as you grow. Segmentation helps identify the factors driving growth. Here is a list of ways to segment your data: 1. Location – the geographic location of the customer such as city, state, region, or country. 2. Industry – the market the customers […]

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Meaningless Metrics

Meaningless Metrics   Some metrics are actually meaningless and tell you little about the business. Metrics should demonstrate customer interest and satisfaction through commitment of time or dollars. Here’s a list of metrics to avoid: Number of downloads – by itself, it doesn’t show the level of interest or progress. A more interesting metric is how […]

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Investor Connect: Alex Fauvel of Two Hop Ventures

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Alex Fauvel, Founder and General Partner at Two Hop Ventures. Headquartered in Amsterdam, North Holland, Two Hop Ventures is a traditional investment firm that invests capital in projects from around the globe that aim to secure the internet on a blockchain. The fund focuses on pre-seed to […]

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Marketplace Metrics

Marketplace Metrics  Here are the key metrics for marketplace startups: Match rate – the rate at which buyers and sellers engage with each other. To calculate, take the number of transactions in which there is a successful match and divide by the total number of attempted transactions. Time to match – how long it takes […]

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Customer Traction Metrics

Customer Traction Metrics In raising funding, customer traction is a key focus point. Here are the metrics for measuring your traction: Customer acquisition – this includes all sources of leads such as website, email, social media, and referrals, as well conversion of leads to customers. You can look at these metrics for each marketing action […]

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Investor Perspectives: Show 3 – Faith-Based Investing in a Post-COVID World – Primary Trends and What Makes for a Successful Faith-Based Company

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In our new Investor Perspectives series entitled “Faith-Based Investing in a Post-COVID World”, you’ll hear about primary trends and what makes for a successful faith-based company. As the COVID pandemic passes, we emerge into […]

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Challenges With North Star Metrics

Challenges With North Star Metrics The North Star Metric seeks to capture the essence of a business in just one metric. It makes decision-making easier. Anything that doesn’t foster that metric is deprioritized. It does change over time as the company’s priorities change especially with growth. It’s not always a simple metric and can be […]

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Investor Connect: Brom Rector of Empath Ventures

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Brom Rector, Founder of Empath Ventures. Empath Ventures is a venture capital fund that invests in psychedelic medicine startups. They specifically focus on pre-seed and seed-stage psychedelic startups that are doing novel psychedelic molecule development and pick-and-shovel plays in the psychedelics industry. To date, Empath has invested […]

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Finding Your North Star Metric

Finding Your North Star Metric The North Star Metric is the one metric that drives the growth of the core business. Founders use it to focus the company around a common goal. Some startups focus on signups, others focus on retention, and still, others focus on engagement. If you don’t have much startup experience, then […]

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Operational Metrics

Operational Metrics An efficient operation is one key to a startup’s success. Here are operational metrics you can use to check your startup: Basic efficiency – measures the overall efficiency of the business.   To calculate, take operating expenses divided by the revenues.   The smaller the number, the more efficient the business. Marketing efficiency – measures […]

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Investor Connect: Peter Bruce Clark of Social Impact Capital

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Peter Bruce Clark, Partner at Social Impact Capital. Headquartered in New York, New York, Social Impact Capital specializes in impact investing, which they define as investments that can deliver top decile returns in addition to a positive social impact. They focus on the “essentials of human need”​ […]

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Product Metrics

Product Metrics The product is the core focus of the early-stage company. Here are two key metrics for understanding the performance of your product: The Heart Metric measures the quality of the user experience with the product. Here are the components of it: 1. Happiness – measures user satisfaction and ease of use through the […]

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Scale-Stage Metrics

Scale-Stage Metrics After the growth phase comes the scale phase in which you ramp up the business. Here are the key metrics to consider at the scale stage: 1. Break-even per customer – this shows how many days until the new customer turns profitable. This is a key factor if you are using funding to […]

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Investor Perspectives: Show 2 – Faith-Based Investing in a Post-COVID World – Participation and Growth in Faith-Based Investing

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In the continuation of our new Investor Perspectives series entitled “Faith-based Investing in a Post-COVID World”, you’ll hear about participation and growth in faith-based investing. As the COVID pandemic passes, we emerge into a […]

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Growth-Stage Metrics

Growth-Stage Metrics Once you have product-market fit and start seeing growth, consider these metrics for your business: 1. Activation rate – the percentage of users achieving some step in activating your product. This helps you determine where users are dropping off. 2. Active users – the total number of users who used the product either […]

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Investor Connect: Raymond Luk of Hockeystick

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Raymond Luk, CEO, and Founder of Hockeystick. Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Hockeystick connects startups with funders. Startups need capital and connections to grow fast. Hockeystick makes the process easier, faster, and more intelligent by using data to drive connections. Raymond is a serial […]

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Startup Customer Success Metrics

Startup Customer Success Metrics Once you have customers, the next step is to measure their success with your product. Here are some key metrics to use: Net Promoter Score – also referred to as NPS, this metric measures how loyal the customers are to the company. The metric asks the customer to rate the company […]

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Seed-Stage Metrics

Seed-Stage Metrics Seed-stage startups have a few users trying out a beta product. The startup is working on the go-to-market strategy and focusing on customer acquisition. Key metrics to use are monthly unique users, monthly new leads, customer acquisition rate, and churn rate. This measures basic customer acquisition. To measure conversion, use the visit-to-lead rate […]

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Investor Connect: Robert Toker of Lantha Sensors

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Robert Toker, Chairman, and CEO at Lantha Sensors. Founded in 2019 by a team of world-class business people, scientists and technologists, Lantha Sensors offers an alternative to high-cost, slow trace chemical analysis such as NMR and Karl Fischer titrations. They offer a range of portable, durable, and […]

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Start With Your Key Metric

Start With Your Key Metric There are many metrics you can use to guide your startup. In the growth stage, start with your key metric that captures what drives growth. You can either focus on the total number of users or look at the total number of actions the user takes. Look for the value […]

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Investor Connect: Ander Iruretagoyena of Impact Engine

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Ander Iruretagoyena, Senior Associate at Impact Engine. Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Impact Engine is a women-owned and led venture capital and private equity firm investing in companies driving positive impact in education, economic empowerment, health, and environmental sustainability. Impact Engine was launched in 2012 as an accelerator […]

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Unit Economics

Unit Economics In the early days of a startup, the revenue is small. Instead of focusing on the absolute size of the revenue, focus on the unit economics of the business. Unit economics shows your business model on a per-unit basis. Measure the cost of acquiring each customer and the revenue you receive from the […]

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Investor Perspectives: Show 1 – Faith-Based Investing in a Post-COVID World – Participation and Growth in Faith-Based Investing

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In our new Investor Perspectives series entitled “Faith-Based Investing in a Post-COVID World”, you’ll hear about participation and growth in faith-based investing. As the COVID pandemic passes, we emerge into a new era. The […]

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Pre-seed Metrics

Pre-seed Metrics At the pre-seed stage, startups should focus their attention on engagement and referrals. Track how many visitors you can draw to your website. See how many of those visitors sign up for a trial.   The conversion rate is more important than the absolute number. See how many referrals are made and their engagement […]

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Investor Connect: Prem Bodagala of Michigan Rise

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Prem Bodagala, Director at Michigan Rise. Michigan Rise is an early-stage focused venture capital fund investing in high-tech startups across Michigan. The fund is backed by the Michigan Strategic Fund and Michigan State University Foundation and is one of the most active early-stage investors in the Midwest […]

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Metrics by Stage of Startup

Metrics by Stage of Startup Startups move through stages from pre-seed to seed to growth to scale. The metrics you apply should adjust to the stage of the company. Here’s a list of metrics by stage: Pre-seed – when you have an idea, use qualitative metrics and focus on basic activity. Key metrics include qualitative […]

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Investor Connect: Peter Storment of Cedar Street Capital

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Peter Storment, Co-CEO at Cedar Street Capital. Cedar Street Capital provides top-tier services to companies seeking growth capital and/or merger and acquisition services. They also assist institutional private equity investors in identifying, assessing, and closing prospective investments. Cedar focuses across industries in emerging and frontier markets and […]

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Metrics by Stage of Life

Metrics by Stage of Life Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Startups go through three stages of life: product, growth, and operations. In the first stage, the startup focuses on the product. The objective is to find product-market fit with the […]

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Investor Connect: Gurdeep Prewal of Rocana Venture Partners

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Gurdeep Prewal, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Rocana Venture Partners. Rocana Venture Partners is an LA-based venture capital firm that invests in early-stage consumer packaged goods brands. They find truly disruptive, hyper-growth, mission-driven brands that provide consumers with better living choices. Their primary area of focus is […]

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Metrics by Startup Objective

Metrics by Startup Objective A startup’s objective changes as it moves from early to later stages. Here’s a list of metrics by stage objective: In the earliest stages of the startup, look for conversions.   Basic validation is important to prove the market wants the product. This exercise will teach you what type of customers to […]

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Investor Connect: Craig Martin of The Family Wealth Consulting Group

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Craig Martin, Founder, and President at The Family Wealth Consulting Group. The Family Wealth Consulting Group is a family-owned and operated fee-only financial planning firm that has been a fiduciary with clients in Silicon Valley, California, for over 35 years. This family-centric team focuses on helping families […]

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3X in 3 Terms

3X in 3 Terms I analyzed the results of several angel networks and found that 65% of the investments after three years were still in business but were no longer on the venture track.  In most cases, they were growing businesses but were not going to be bought out for a significant return to the […]

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Investor Connect: Maan Hamdan of Hexa Ventures

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Maan Hamdan, Managing Director at Hexa Ventures. HEXA provides its portfolio partner companies with a scope of services that support the entrepreneur and help to accelerate the growth of their early-stage investments, while at the same time, de-risking the investments made and increasing the return on investment. […]

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Startup Success Rates

Startup Success Rates The early-stage failure rate of startups is quite high. Out of 100 startups, only 40% go to the next level at Series A. Only 22% of startups reach Series B. Only 15% of startups reach Series C. Only 8% of startups reach Series D. As for the success rate, only 9% of […]

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TEN Capital Fundraise Launch Program: Preparing Financial Projections Q&A

Thank you for joining us today for our TEN Capital Fundraise Launch Program. In this program, we help startups prepare for a fundraise.  We provide templates, tools, eGuides, and advice to founders who are working towards raising funding. We’ll kick off the session with a short overview on a fundraising topic, then we’ll answer questions […]

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Payback Plans

Payback Plans Not every funded startup continues on the venture path to a high payoff from the sale of the business.  For those startups, investors using an early-exit term sheet can find a path out of the deal. There are several options for the startup to pay back the investors. The company can use a […]

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Investor Connect: Kate Mitselmakher of Bloccelerate VC

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Kate Mitselmakher, CEO and General Partner at Bloccelerate VC. Bloccelerate VC is a platform for blockchain products and services to actualize their true potential, providing them with world-class mentoring, go-to-market solutions, access to peers, developers pool, academic evaluation and research, access to markets, regulatory compliance, and funding […]

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Redemption Strategies

Redemption Strategies In an early-exit term sheet, the investors have the right to redeem their stake in the company before an acquisition. There are several redemption exercise strategies. The first strategy is to recover the principal investment.   This makes the investor whole and now lets them play with “house money”. The second strategy is to […]

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Investor Perspectives: Impact Investing in a Post-COVID World – Changes Expected in the Coming 12 Months

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In our final Investor Perspectives episode on Impact Investing in a Post-COVID World, you’ll hear about changes expected in the coming 12 months and our guests’ final thoughts. As the COVID pandemic passes, we […]

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Key to Facilitation Is Operational Involvement

Key to Facilitation Is Operational Involvement In managing an early-exit term sheet, it’s important to facilitate the ongoing information rights due to the investors. Most term sheets provide rights to the company’s financial statements, including the income statement and balance sheet as well as the cap table. This duty is often left up to the […]

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Investor Connect: Mark H. Goldstein of Advisors.Fund LLC

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Mark H. Goldstein, Managing Partner at Advisors.Fund LLC. Advisors.Fund LLC invests in hyper-focused entrepreneurs that are disrupting entrenched legacy incumbents and an accepted status quo. They love the entrepreneur that is “all in”, knows the business that he or she wants to break, and can surf and […]

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Redemption Facilitation Process

Redemption Facilitation Process In an early-exit term sheet, it’s important to have a redemption facilitation process. This includes the steps for setting up the bank accounts, capturing the investor’s interest, providing payouts, and investor updates. The process also tracks escrow of repayment funds and later, revenue share payments to complete the redemption process. For the […]

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Investor Connect: Seren Rumjancevs and Rain Kivisik of Dealum

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Seren Rumjancevs, CEO, and Rain Kivisik, Founder at Dealum. Dealum provides a superior investor group collaboration platform to build a vibrant early-stage investing ecosystem. Their objective is to become the leading global deal-flow source for early-stage investors by creating meaningful connections between investors and startups. Seren has […]

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What Is a Cap Table?

What Is a Cap Table? In raising funding, investors will ask for a cap table. Cap Table stands for Capitalization Table and is a document that tracks the capital structure of the company. In essence, it shows who owns how much of the company’s equity. So, a company that has had multiple rounds of funding […]

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TEN Capital Presents AMA: Supporting and Partnering with Diverse Founders

TEN Capital Presents AMA: Supporting and Partnering with Diverse Founders This is the TEN Capital AMA show. I’m Hall T Martin, the host of the show in which we interview investors and founders on current topics.  Our guests are: J.P. Keating of VU Venture Partners Kim Folsom of Founders First Capital Partners Diane Yoo of […]

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Challenges in Building the Startup Community

Challenges in Building the Startup Community There are challenges in building a startup community. It doesn’t happen by accident and it takes a focused effort over a period of time. Here are some challenges to watch for and overcome: Choosing another community’s strategy instead of your own. It’s common for startup communities to look to […]

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Investor Connect: Shahab Samimi of 7 Gate Ventures

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Shahab Samimi, Senior Associate at 7 Gate Ventures. 7 Gate Ventures is a venture capital firm based in Vancouver, Canada, and Silicon Valley, investing in early-stage startups from Seed to pre-Series A in the technology industry, with a sector focus on software, SaaS, cloud services, marketplaces, mobile […]

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How to Launch a Startup Ecosystem

How to Launch a Startup Ecosystem For those who want to launch a startup ecosystem, follow these steps: – Start with a group interested in startups and meet regularly. – Encourage startups to share their projects and invite others to support through coaching and making introductions. – Set up a blog and publish a newsletter […]

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Investor Perspectives: Impact Investing in a Post-COVID World – Participation in the Impact Investing Space and What Investors Look For

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In our new Investor Perspectives series entitled “Impact Investing in a post-COVID World”, you’ll hear about participation in the impact investing space and what investors look for. As the COVID pandemic passes, we emerge […]

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Signs of a Strong Tech Ecosystem

Signs of a Strong Tech Ecosystem In building out your startup ecosystem, look for these signs to know if you are on the right track: – Does the ecosystem have strong clusters of founders and developers that meet up regularly? – Does the local community foster the startup ecosystem? – Is failure acceptable or not […]

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Investor Connect: Redg Snodgrass of

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Redg Snodgrass, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of is a partnership of multi-exit founders across a range of industries including Saas, e-commerce, mobile, wearables/IoT, logistics, fintech, and APIs. As senior-level subject matter experts and analysts, provides market intelligence, actionable recommendations, and skilled support around the […]

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Assessing Your Startup Ecosystem

Assessing Your Startup Ecosystem  In building your startup ecosystem, take time to assess its effectiveness. Here are some key points to look for: Do entrepreneurs connect and learn from each other? If not, set up events to increase the interactions and foster interactions. Do the entrepreneur groups share resources? If not, foster collaboration among the […]

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Investor Connect: Gary Nacht of Sterling Advisory Services, dba CAFÉ Central

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Gary Nacht, Co-founder at Sterling Advisory Services, dba CAFÉ Central. Sterling Advisory Services, dba CAFÉ Central, advises troubled and underperforming companies, helping them return to cash-flow positive. They also acquire “corporate orphans”, distressed and underperforming companies no longer wanted by their owners and looking for a fast, […]

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How to Get the Most From Your Startup Ecosystem

How to Get the Most From Your Startup Ecosystem  For those who want to engage with the startup ecosystem, here are some key points to consider: Know why you want to engage with the community and what you want to take away from your experience. The best way to meet people is to join groups […]

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Investor Connect: Gerardo Legorreta of Altum Capital

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Gerardo Legorreta, CEO at Altum Capital.  Founded in 2014, Altum Capital is a senior secured private debt fund manager (managing three funds, one private fund in Mexican pesos, another private fund in USD, and an ALTUMCK-19 public fund in Mexican pesos) focused on structuring and managing credit […]

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Building Your Startup Ecosystem Resource List

Building Your Startup Ecosystem Resource List In building out your startup ecosystem, start by identifying the resources in your area. Search for the groups that foster and support startups. This includes the following: – Incubators and accelerators. – Coworking spaces catering to early-stage companies. – Local media organizations that feature startups. – Blog sites that […]

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Investor Connect: Bill Reichert of Pegasus Tech Ventures

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Bill Reichert, General Partner at Pegasus Tech Ventures. Pegasus Tech Ventures is a global venture capital firm based in Silicon Valley with over $1.5 billion in assets under management. Pegasus offers intellectual and financial capital to emerging technology companies around the world. In addition to offering institutional […]

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Organizations of a Startup Ecosystem

Organizations of a Startup Ecosystem Take inventory of your startup ecosystem for what currently exists and what does not. Here’s a list of organizations to look for: – Universities that provide the founder talent. – Angel groups and other investor networks for funding the startups. – Venture capital funds providing funding. – Incubators and accelerators […]

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Investor Perspectives: Impact Investing in a Post-COVID World – Primary Trends and What Makes for a Successful Company

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In our new Investor Perspectives series entitled “Impact Investing in a post-COVID World”, you’ll hear about the primary trends and what makes for a successful company. As the COVID pandemic passes, we emerge into […]

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How to Attract Startups to Your Startup Ecosystem

How to Attract Startups to Your Startup Ecosystem  In building your startup ecosystem, recruit startups to move to your area. Here are some best practices to attract them: It takes technical and business talent to build and grow startups. Highlight the talent available in the area, both experienced and those fresh out of university. Set […]

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Investor Connect: SC Moatti of Mighty Capital

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes SC Moatti, Managing Partner at Mighty Capital. Headquartered in San Francisco, California, Mighty Capital is an early-growth Silicon Valley venture capital firm. They deliver exceptional returns by investing in great products that are also great businesses, like Airbnb, MissionBio, and Amplitude. SC is the Founding Managing Partner […]

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Where to Focus Your Startup Ecosystem

Where to Focus Your Startup Ecosystem In building your startup ecosystem, focus on the strengths of the community. Interview the local economic development group to find out what startups already exist. Talk with investors to find out their interest in startups to fund. Review the local businesses in the community to see what skills their […]

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Investor Connect: Zacary Sherman of cielo24 inc.

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Zacary Sherman, Director of Strategy and Business Development at cielo24. Headquartered in Santa Barbara, California, cielo24 has blended the best of human intelligence with AI technology to create caption, transcription, and intelligence data at scale to make video and audio accessible, searchable, and more engaging. They are […]

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How to Build Out a Startup Ecosystem

How to Build Out a Startup Ecosystem In building out your startup ecosystem, consider these points: Start with five successful serial entrepreneurs. Identify their sector and type of business. Interview them on how to multiply those businesses. Target their sector for growing new businesses. Figure out what additional resources are needed. Set up leadership resources […]

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Investor Connect: Ashmeet Sidana of Engineering Capital

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Ashmeet Sidana, Founder and Chief Engineer at Engineering Capital. Founded in 2015, Engineering Capital partners with great entrepreneurs driven by technical insights and boldly invest before traditional venture firms are willing. They lead and anchor the seed round in companies with the ambition to shape the future […]

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Steps to Building a Startup Ecosystem

Steps to Building a Startup Ecosystem  In building the startup ecosystem, the entrepreneurs drive it. The role of the ecosystem builders is to create connections and networks. Here are some tools for building connections in your startup ecosystem: Robust set of meetings, happy hours and coffees, and activities that bring the founders, investors, and providers […]

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Investor Connect: Joe Tonnos of Ketch Ventures

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Joe Tonnos, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Ketch Ventures. Headquartered in West Palm Beach, Florida, Ketch Ventures partners with early-stage entrepreneurs and management teams to add value and grow businesses to the next level. Ketch focuses on emerging consumer-facing businesses that have established a foundation, are differentiated, […]

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Components of a Startup Ecosystem

Components of a Startup Ecosystem A startup ecosystem is a network of startups, investors, and others who come together to foster startup formation and growth. It is fueled by talent, funding, and customers. In building your startup community, tap successful serial entrepreneurs to lead. Use their star power to capture attention and draw investors and […]

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Investor Perspectives: Impact Investing in a Post-COVID World – Growth in the Impact Investing Industry

Investor Perspectives: Impact Investing in a Post-COVID World – Growth in the Impact Investing Industry This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T. Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In our new Investor Perspectives series entitled “Impact Investing in a Post-COVID World”, you’ll hear about growth in the […]

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What Is a Startup Ecosystem?

What Is a Startup Ecosystem? A startup ecosystem is a network of startups, investors, and others who come together to foster startup formation and growth. The network fosters innovation through shared resources such as capital, talent, and mentorship. At the core of the network are startups led by founders who launch high-growth businesses. Accelerators and […]

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Investor Connect: Denise Dunlap of Sage Growth Capital

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Denise Dunlap, Founder and Managing Partner at Sage Growth Capital. Founded in 2019 and headquartered in Boise, Idaho, Sage Growth Capital makes revenue-based investments in companies that need growth capital. It is their mission to provide a more flexible funding option to growing companies that do not […]

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University Angel Network vs. Traditional Angel Network

University Angel Network vs. Traditional Angel Network The university angel network has similarities and differences to a traditional angel network. They both consist of a group of investors interested in funding startups. They both want to make a return on their investment. They both want to socialize with others. They differ in several ways: The […]

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Investor Connect: Barbara Clarke of The Impact Seat

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Barbara Clarke, Angel Investor, and Founder and President at The Impact Seat. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, The Impact Seat invests in ideas that solve the world’s biggest problems – focusing on the most innovative, diverse, early-stage startups. Their approach combines advocacy, philanthropy, and investment to build a […]

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Finding the Champion

Finding the Champion In launching an angel network at a university, it takes a champion to see it to fruition. In addition to a business school sponsor and five check-writing angels, you’ll need someone who will be the champion for the group. The champion needs to be well connected with the university, the alumni, and […]

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Investor Connect: Erwin Jager of Barrows Hotel Enterprises

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Erwin Jager, Chairman, and CEO at Barrows Hotel Enterprises. Headquartered in Dubai, Barrows is a family-owned private company, established in 2008, with a successful track record in property investment, development, and strategic land promotion in the Middle East, Africa, and the USA.  The hotel company focuses on […]

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Retaining Members

Retaining Members In running a university angel network, the attrition rate is often lower than for non-university angel networks. The university group has a great answer for “Why invest in startups?”. Many members join to support the university. The group’s primary purpose is to provide the student with an educational experience and help prepare them […]

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TEN Capital Fundraise Launch Program: Setting Valuation Q&A

Thank you for joining us today for our TEN Capital Fundraise Launch Program. In this program, we help startups prepare for a fundraise.  We provide templates, tools, eGuides, and advice to founders who are working towards raising funding. We’ll kick off the session with a short overview on a fundraising topic, then we’ll answer questions […]

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Offline vs. Online Meetings

Offline vs. Online Meetings In running a university angel network, consider both offline and online meetings for the members.  Online meetings allow you to run education sessions, screening meetings, and pitch sessions along with diligence follow-up. Since the members need not travel to campus, these can be short half-hour calls or longer ones.  These meetings […]

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Investor Connect: James Pringle of Goldsmith Ventures

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes James Pringle, Managing Partner at Goldsmith Ventures. Goldsmith Ventures invests in and provides support to early-stage UK companies developing innovative technology across fintech and insurtech. The Goldsmith Ventures Fund I is targeted exclusively at investors who understand the risks of investing in early-stage businesses and can make […]

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Fund Documents

Fund Documents In setting up a university angel network, you’ll need fund documents for the prospective members to review. You’ll need to establish a legal entity for the fund, typically an LLC. After that, you’ll need to write the company agreement documents.  This includes the formation of the fund, its term, purpose, and more. You’ll […]

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Investor Connect: Wesley King of Coherent Capital

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Wesley King, Co-Founder of Coherent Capital. Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Coherent Capital is focused on supporting successful late Seed and Series A fundraises ($4m to $20m raises) with a health and wellness technology focus. The company exists to support early-stage entrepreneurs in raising capital and forming […]

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Why Set Up a Fund?

Why Set Up a Fund? Consider setting up a fund early on for your university angel group. For every one alumni who joins the angel group, there will be three who will join the fund.  Angel investing takes time and many will not be able to participate in pitch meetings and diligence. The fund gives […]

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Investor Connect: Adrian Mendoza of Mendoza Ventures

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes Adrian Mendoza, Founder and General Partner at Mendoza Ventures. Based in Boston, Massachusetts, and founded in 2016, Mendoza Ventures is women-owned and the first LatinX-owned venture fund on the East Coast. They are an early-stage and growth fintech, AI, and cybersecurity venture fund that provides an actively […]

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Student Participation Is Important

Student Participation Is Important Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In setting up a university angel group, the student experience is the primary objective. To ensure the success of the group, set up a program for the students to provide investor […]

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Investor Connect: AJ Shepard of Uptown Properties

On this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes AJ Shepard, Co-owner of Uptown Properties. Uptown Properties offers a full range of property management services tailored to you as an investor, homeowner, or landlord. They have an extensive portfolio of single-family homes, townhouses, and condos in the Portland Metro area. They offer to fill vacancies, advertise […]

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Where Does Making a Return Fit In?

Where Does Making a Return Fit In? Many angel investors want to support their university group, local entrepreneur ecosystem, and more. The primary goal is building up their local community or network. In addition to supporting the community, the investor needs to make a return on the investment.  Investors will want to see a return […]

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