Investor Connect

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Investor Perspectives: Why I Invested in acQyr eXchange

This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In this episode, you’ll hear about a new company in the gaming sector called acQyr eXchange. Our featured guests are Mike Lambert and David Sterling, key investors in acQyr eXchange, and Jim Mulford, President […]

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How to Get the Most From Your Board Meeting

Board meetings are important for gaining input and advice on how to run the business. To get the most out of your board meeting, start with an objective for the meeting including agenda and preparation documents such as financials.  It’s helpful to get feedback from the participants before the meeting so you can adjust the […]

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Investor Connect: Beau Flowers of Flowtex Energy

In this episode, we welcome Beau Flowers, Chief Executive Officer of Flowtex Energy.  Flowtex Energy is an Austin, Texas independent oil & gas producer. They maximize the unique tax benefits and tremendous cash-on-cash returns available through private oil & gas production. Utilizing today’s science and technology, they have built a track record of success that […]

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How Board Members Can Help

Board members can help the company in many ways. Here’s a list of potential support:  – They can help recruit employees for the company as many board members have extensive networks – They can help with the fundraise as they know investors – They can help with strategy since most will come from the company’s […]

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Investor Perspectives: Why I Invested in ping

This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In this episode, you’ll hear about a new company in the software development sector called ping.   Our featured guests are Ryan Brown, early investor in ping, Barrie Arnold, Co-Founder & CRO of ping, and […]

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Role of the Board

Startups with product-market fit that are generating revenue should consider installing a board. The board of directors provides oversight for the company. Early-stage boards should have an audit and compensation committee. The audit committee sets the policy regarding the finances including control, expenses, and reviews. The compensation committee sets pay for the company’s employees and […]

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Investor Perspectives: Why I Invested in KiwiTech

This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In this episode, you’ll hear about a new company in the software development sector called KiwiTech.   Our featured guests are Dr. Vipin Agarwal, President & CEO at NorthEast BioLab and KiwiTech investor, Rakesh Gupta, […]

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Building a Board

In growing your startup, one of the best assets you can have is a strong and engaged board of directors. The board should have members who collectively cover a range of skills, network, and experience. They should be connected to your startup and its industry in some way. A good board is on the same […]

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Informal Board Member Roles

The startup board is typically led by the CEO. Some boards fall into formal roles to tackle specific tasks such as compensation or exit planning. Many boards see members fall into informal roles. The most common roles are the domain expert, the advocate, and the critic. The domain expert looks at everything from the industry […]

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Investor Perspectives: Why I Invested in Lend-Grow

This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In this episode, you’ll hear about a new company in the fintech sector called Lend-Grow.   Our featured guests are Co-Head of VC at 10X Capital and Investor at Lend-Grow, David Weisburd, and Co-Founder at […]

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Managing Conflict

In running a board, there will be conflicts and bad behavior. Here are some to watch out for: – The board member who disrupts the group and takes the discussion off-track from the agenda. – The member who must have it their own way every time. – The member who doesn’t know the topic well […]

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Investor Connect: Dr. Maria T. Millan of CIRM

In this episode, Hall welcomes Dr. Maria T. Millan, President and CEO of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). CIRM is California’s stem cell agency. Its mission is to accelerate stem cell treatments to patients with unmet medical needs by funding promising research in California. California’s Stem Cell Agency was created in 2004 when […]

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The Board Types

There are several types of board members.  Each provides a contribution to the board dynamic. Here are the types you may see in your board room: – The Cheerleader. Always optimistic and sees the upside to every proposal or situation. – The Pessimist. Always pessimistic and sees the backside to every proposal and situation. – […]

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Investor Connect: Sarah Jennings of Beyond Angels Network Yellow Jacket Fund

In this episode, Hall welcomes Sarah Jennings, Assistant Director of The Cedarville Beyond Angel Network and Yellow Jacket Fund I. The Cedarville Beyond Angel Network and Fund provides early-stage capital to strong entrepreneurial teams with developed products or services and early customer traction. The investment thesis of the Network and Fund is to invest in […]

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Duties of the Director

Board directors can help the company in many ways beyond governance. Here are some key areas: – Provide strategy and direction for the company at a high level – Make introductions to customers and partners – Provide helpful tips on how to run the business – Help recruit other board members – Put in place […]

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Making the Board Effective

The board leader can make the board meetings more effective. Here are some points to consider:  – Set up meetings that don’t conflict with holidays or heavy travel schedules – Send out the board package in time for review – Focus the agenda on the top issues – Demand the attention of the board members […]

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Investor Connect: Dylan Penebre of PointOS

In this episode, Hall welcomes Dylan Penebre, CEO and investor of PointOS. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, PointOS is a restaurant management platform designed to help restaurants and bars operate more efficiently and profitably. PointOS stands out in the SaaS restaurant POS space by offering its entire platform at one competitive and all-inclusive rate. The PointOS […]

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Preparing for a Board Meeting

For board meetings, it’s important to prepare properly. Set the meeting schedule well in advance, such as a year. Prepare documents far enough in advance so the members have time to read the materials and prepare for the meeting. Use a standard format for the board package so the members can find things more easily. […]

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Investor Connect: Nish Krishna of Lend-Grow

In this episode, Hall welcomes Nish Krishna, CEO of Lend-Grow. Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, Lend-Grow is a complete digital growth platform for local lenders. Lend-Grow aims to connect consumers with 1000+ local lenders that are often harder-to-find online and usually have better deals on loans. Lend-Grow was founded by executives that successfully built multi-billion dollar […]

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Coaching the CEO

One of the key roles of a board member is coaching the CEO. Here are some key points to consider: – Focus on the team, the financials, and the strategy of the company – Avoid the minutiae of day-to-day operations – For the team, work on building the company’s culture – The CEO may need […]

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Building the Team

The board can help the company with building the team. Here are some key points to consider in helping with recruiting: – Identify candidates to fill the C-level positions that are available – Set up a recruiting and hiring process as startups often have ad hoc procedures in place – Help foster the company’s culture […]

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Investor Connect: Monica Brady of VUniverse

In this episode, Hall welcomes Monica Brady, Co-Founder of VUniverse. VUniverse is a female and minority-founded company headquartered in New York and is a Delaware corporation. VU by VUniverse provides programming recommendations based on individuality as well as engaging, fun, and insightful features that connect users with every corner of the streaming universe. As a […]

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Compensation of the Director

In setting up the board for a startup, it’s important to set the compensation policy for the directors. While some candidates will join the board for no monetary compensation, most people will require some compensation. Here are some key points to consider when setting the policy: – Tie the director’s compensation to an evaluation of […]

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Investor Perspectives on Education: Jon Broscious of Mucker Capital

This is Investor Perspectives. I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on COVID-19’s impact on education and on startups. COVID-19 has changed the landscape for startups giving us a new normal. During the pandemic, it became clear the […]

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Board Fiduciaries

Board members have a fiduciary duty which means they must exercise good business judgment, put the company’s interest first, and act in good faith. Board members work in the following areas: – They set policy for the company – Evaluate the CEO – Check the financial resources for sufficiency – Approve annual budgets – Provide […]

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Investor Perspectives: Why I Invested in Flowtex Energy

In this episode, you’ll hear about a new company in the oil and gas sector called Flowtex Energy. Our host today is Ashley Matthysse. Our featured guests are Investor Brent Mathie and President of Flowtex Energy Beau Flowers. Flowtex Energy is an independent oil & gas producer based in Austin, TX and a leading exploration […]

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D&O Insurance

Directors & Officers Insurance (D&O Insurance) protects the board members whose work brings potential liability for the director. Most policies offer $1M to $2M of coverage. Here are some key points to consider in choosing a D&O Insurance policy: – The policy should indemnify the directors. – It should advance expenses at the point of […]

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How to Answer the Investor’s Questions

In raising funding, the startup will meet with many investors to answer their questions. So, how should the startup answer the investor’s questions? First, listen to the question and answer it directly and to the point. If the question requires a number, then give that number. For example, if the investor asks how much revenue […]

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Investor Connect: James Mulford of acQyr eXchange

In this episode of Investor Connect, Hall welcomes James (Jim) Mulford, President & CEO of acQyr eXchange. Located in Denver, Colorado, acQyr eXchange (QX) is the first digital asset marketplace that allows gamers to manage, trade, and sell in-game rewards across multiple games for cash. QX helps mobile and online gaming publishers to increase gameplay […]

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Know Your Industry

A common mistake made by startups is launching a company in an industry in which the founders know little or nothing about. I find this happens often in the healthcare and financial industries. The size and growth of those markets make it attractive to pursue but without a deep knowledge of how those industries work, […]

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Investor Perspectives: Why I Invested in Upskill Enterprise

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the growing HR tech sector.   This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. HR Tech continues to grow and advance based on new technologies. In today’s show, you’ll hear about a new company in […]

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Demonstrate Your Competitive Advantage

In pitching investors, you must be able to demonstrate your competitive advantage. It’s not enough to say your product is better or your team will execute faster. You must identify your core competitive advantage and show how it gives you at least a 30% cost reduction or a 30% revenue increase over the traditional methods.   […]

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Investor Connect: John Quinn of EXOS Aerospace Systems & Technologies

In this episode, Hall welcomes John Quinn, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of EXOS Aerospace Systems & Technologies. Located in Greenville, Texas, EXOS Aerospace Systems & Technologies is a small Defense Department Trade Commission (DDTC) registered privately-owned space hardware and operations company. The EXOS team has developed hundreds of rocket engines, over a dozen reusable […]

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What Investors Look for: Revenue Predictability

Startups are usually shy about discussing their current revenue when they are early in the process as the revenue is not large. I tell the startup the investor doesn’t care about the size of revenue, but rather revenue predictability.  Investors look for systems in startups regardless of the size. Do you have a process for […]

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Investor Perspectives: Why I Invested in Qnect

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the growing construction tech space.   This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. Construction tech continues to grow in a number of technologies and startups working in it. In today’s show, you’ll hear about […]

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How to Show Traction When You Are Pre-Revenue

If you are pre-revenue, you can show traction with your startup. We’ll define traction as activity with customers, albeit without revenue. Show customer engagement at all phases, even before you have a product. You should have customers coaching you on what product to build. First, when communicating with investors, always include customers in your discussions. […]

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Investor Perspectives: Why I Invested in 2XL Swagger Brands

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the growing consumer product goods space.  This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. Consumer Product brands continue to grow, in particular those products with functional benefits. In today’s show, you’ll hear about a […]

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The Soft Side of Valuations

In setting the valuation for a startup, there are financial calculations, and then there are non-financial factors. I call the non-financial factors the “soft side of valuations”. These include the following: Current market conditions — as the market heats, up certain sectors turn ‘hot’ and therefore command a higher valuation than the numbers indicate. Predictability […]

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Investor Connect: Edward Dugger III of Reinventure Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes Edward Dugger III, Founding Partner and President of Reinventure Capital. Located in Boston, Massachusetts, Reinventure Capital is a high-impact, high-return venture practice proven to deliver nonconcessionary financial returns along with intentional, measurable, and meaningful racial/social justice impact. Reinventure Capital consists of a diverse team who invests in U.S.-based companies led […]

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In the deal process, there are always issues that give the investor cause to rethink pursuing the investment.  Here is a short list of dealbreakers that indicate it’s time to break off the deal process. – There are major surprises, such as finding out the company has significant debt they did not disclose previously. – […]

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Investor Connect: Joy Schoffler of Ascendant Industries

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Joy Schoffler, Partner at Ascendant Industries. Ascendant Industries is a New York-based investment management company that focuses on opportunities where they can support senior management to drive rapid growth and profit improvement through capital infusion, technology, innovation, and organizational expertise. They invest across a number of key verticals, including […]

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Key Terms to Focus On

There are over 125 terms in the NVCA glossary for terms sheets. So which key terms should the investor focus on? Here are six key terms to consider for your startup investment: – Valuation or the price you pay for the equity is the most important term that impacts the return to the investor. – […]

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Investor Perspectives: Why I Invested in KiwiTech

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the growing software development sector.   This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. Software continues to ‘eat the world’ as Marc Andreessen once said.   In today’s show, you’ll hear about a new company in […]

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Convertible Note: Pros and Cons

There are pros and cons to using a convertible note. Startups use them primarily for seed rounds and bridge rounds. They are lower in cost, as the documents are simpler than equity terms sheets. They avoid setting a price, so they are easier to negotiate. It keeps the cap table simple as they start in […]

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Investor Connect – Garin Toren of ping

In this episode, Hall welcomes Garin Toren, CEO & Founder of ping. Headquartered in New York, ping is a four-time-patented messaging platform that automatically reads your texts, emails, and all other message types out loud when touching your phone is unsafe, illegal, or inconvenient. Deployment is currently through Android and iPhone apps with Alexa already […]

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Key Terms

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are many terms used in terms sheets but there are only a few that have a significant impact. Here are the key ones: – Liquidation Preference — a liquidation preference gives the shareholder their […]

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Terms Affecting the Returns

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are many terms in a standard terms sheet for investing in a startup.  Six terms have a direct impact on the return the investor receives. They are as follows: – Pre-money valuation is the […]

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Negotiating the Terms

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In negotiating the terms of a startup investment, the investor should develop a standard terms sheet and modify it for each deal. In going into due diligence, send the terms sheet to the startup for […]

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Using Terms Sheets to Mitigate the Risk

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The terms sheet glossary contains over 125 terms that can be used. For every risk in the startup, there is a term to place in the terms sheet to mitigate that risk. If you feel […]

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Investor Perspectives: Why I Invested in EXOS

In today’s show, you’ll hear why EXOS lead investors Scott and Paula Robinson invested in the growing space sector and, specifically, the commercial exploration of space. Commercial exploration of space continues to advance in technology by SpaceX and other companies. In today’s show, you’ll hear about a new company in the space sector called EXOS. Our […]

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LLC vs. C-corps

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. For a startup to raise funding it must have a legal structure. The two choices are LLCs, which is a Limited Liability Company, or a C-corp. Most startups launch with an LLC and convert to […]

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Investor Connect – Jackie Kapur and Dr. Simon Mills of BiorganicPharma

In today’s episode of Investor Connect, host Ashley Matthysse speaks with therapeutics company BiorganicPharma. Therapeutics continues to advance across the board. In today’s show, you’ll hear about a new company in the pharma space called BiorganicPharma who develops and makes nutritional supplements in liquid form using natural ingredients. Our featured guests are: Jackie Kapur, Strategic […]

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Using Convertible Notes Wisely

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In launching your fundraise, you should always be in a position to take funding. There are many investors who want to join the deal but won’t take on a lead investor role in setting the […]

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Investor Connect – Albert Meyer of Bastiat Capital

In this episode, Hall welcomes Albert Meyer, Founder & Chief Investment Officer at Bastiat Capital. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, and established in 2006, Bastiat Capital is an asset management firm directing a concentrated and conservative large-cap equity portfolio. They apply unparalleled forensic accounting expertise, human insight and rich company-specific research as they seek to outperform […]

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How to Paper the Fundraise

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. After diligence, investors who want to move forward will sign the investment documents. For a convertible note raise, the investor and CEO will sign the note. It’s a rolling close, so the funds go into […]

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Sources of Terms Sheets

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Startup fundraising requires investment documents. Of course, you should seek counsel with your startup-friendly attorney before committing to an equity fundraise, but here are several sources of terms sheets on the web. Ycombinator provides a […]

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Investor Connect – Doug Smith of Hawthorne Funds

In this episode, Hall welcomes Doug Smith, CEO and Lead Investor at Hawthorne Funds. Hawthorne Funds is a Houston-based private equity firm that couples Doug Smith’s funds with those of other investors to purchase, subdivide and sell large rural tracts of land in Texas. Their unique approach to adding value during the holding and disposition […]

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Founder vs Investor-Friendly Terms Sheets

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Terms sheets can be founder-friendly or investor-friendly. The terms sheet provides terms in favor of the founder over the investor or vice versa.  Here’s how you can tell which one you have. In a founder-friendly […]

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Negotiating a Terms Sheet

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In negotiating a terms sheet, there are several key elements to keep in mind. Valuation is the biggest hurdle as it sets equity ownership.  Key terms that often come into play include the following: Liquidation […]

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Investor Connect – Greg Thomas of 375 Park Associates

In this episode, Hall welcomes Greg Thomas, Managing Director of 375 Park Associates. Headquartered in New York with affiliates in Asia, Europe, and the U.S., 375 Park Associates is a strategic growth advisory firm which helps private equity firms overcome challenges in their portfolio. Their partners and associates have closed transactions in the U.S. and […]

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Standard Raises by Stage

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. When I ask startups how much they are raising for investment, they often quote their total raise for the life of the startup. We then talk about breaking the raise into smaller rounds so the […]

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Investor Connect – Ellen Weber of Robin Hood Ventures

In this episode, Hall welcomes Ellen Weber, Executive Director at Robin Hood Ventures. Robin Hood Ventures is a group of angel investors, focused on early-stage, high-growth companies in the Greater Philadelphia region. They help entrepreneurs build great companies, providing capital, mentoring, expertise, and connections, to help companies reach their potential. Robin Hood generally invests $250k […]

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Know Your Burn Rate

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In determining your raise amount, consider what you need for the next 18-24 months and focus on that window rather than the entire life of the company. Raise enough to accomplish the goals for that […]

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Investor Connect – Brendan Nugent of Adrenaline

In this episode, Hall welcomes Brendan Nugent, CEO of Adrenaline. Adrenaline is the leading online supplier of awesome and unique gifts and they have sought out life-defining experiences for their clients for over 8 years. Adrenaline connects experience seekers and gift-givers with over 1,300 heart-pumping things to do across the United States.  The company enables […]

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The Risk at Each Stage

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. I often hear investors say if the company just had revenue then the risk would be gone. But once the startup achieves revenue, the next stage of risk comes up – will they be able […]

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How to Set Up the Cap Table

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Startups raising funding should keep track of their cap table which shows who has ownership in the business. If you have one, make sure to keep it up to date.   If you don’t have one, […]

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Financial Projections: Depreciation

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Depreciation represents the reduced value of assets. Each asset in your business has its own useful lifetime.   Based on that useful lifetime, one can expense a portion of the value each year over the life […]

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Investor Perspectives: Impact of COVID-19 on the Chronic Pain Market, Episode 2

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the chronic pain market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. It’s the time of COVID-19. The healthcare industry is overwhelmed with patients from the pandemic. Medical conditions such […]

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Financial Projections: Fundraise

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Your financial projections will be important for your fundraise. Banks will want to see your projections when you apply for a loan.  And investors will want to see them as well when you raise equity […]

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Financial Projections: Operating Expenses

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Operating expenses are the day to day expenses a business incurs. They support the operational side of the business covering sales, marketing, product development, and administration. These expenses include legal, digital marketing, payroll for employees, […]

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Investor Connect – Shawn Singh of VistaGen Therapeutics, Inc.

In this episode, Hall welcomes Shawn Singh, Chief Executive Officer & Director at VistaGen Therapeutics, Inc. Located in South San Francisco, California, known as the “Birthplace of Biotech”, VistaGen Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing new-generation medications for anxiety, depression, and other central nervous system, or “CNS,” diseases and disorders where current treatments are […]

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Financial Projections: Valuation

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. For later-stage startups with revenue, one can use the financial projections to estimate the company’s valuation for fundraising purposes.  Discounted cash flows, called the DCF method, values the company based on future cash flow projections.  […]

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Investor Connect – Shawn Flynn of TechCode Accelerator U.S. & The Silicon Valley Podcast

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Shawn Flynn, Head of Incubation and Managing Director of Business Development at TechCode Accelerator – U.S. Shawn is also the host of The Silicon Valley Podcast. Located in Sunnyvale, California, TechCode Accelerator – U.S. is a global innovation service operator focusing on helping technology startups scale up, and integrating […]

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Financial Projections: Key Metrics to Capture

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Your financial statements will generate a wealth of metrics on your business. Investors want to know these metrics – also called KPIs – which stands for Key Performance Indicators. You can use the metrics to […]

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Financial Projections: Capital Expenditures

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In preparing your financial projections, you’ll need to account for investments into assets, also called capital expenditures. These include real estate, intellectual property, equipment, facilities, and buildings.  Assets also include computers, servers, and office equipment. […]

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Investor Connect – Jef Sharp of Qnect

In this episode, Hall welcomes back Jef Sharp, CEO of Qnect. Located in Hadley, Massachusetts, Qnect is an intelligent, cloud-based connection app that gives fabricators, detailers, and engineers fast and flexible connections with significant cost and schedule savings. In minutes, users can connect most steel buildings without capital cost and with minimal initial training. Two […]

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Financial Projections: Working Capital

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Working capital is the capital you need to run the daily operations of the business and includes anything that can be converted to cash.   This includes cash, accounts receivables, and inventory.   Accounts payable reduces your […]

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Investor Perspectives: Impact of COVID-19 on the Chronic Pain Market, Episode 1

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the chronic pain market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding. It’s the time of COVID-19. The healthcare industry is overwhelmed with patients from the pandemic. Medical conditions such […]

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Financial Projections: Taxes

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. All businesses must pay taxes, including startups. Taxes include payroll and social security taxes which are based on the salary of employees and paid monthly. Even if your business is not yet profitable you still […]

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Investor Connect – Amit Mehta of Builders VC

In this episode, Hall welcomes Dr. Amit Mehta, Partner at Builders VC. With headquarters in both the U.S.A. and Canada, Builders VC believes it takes more than great technology to fix an antiquated industry. To truly make lasting and impactful change, Builders VC backs entrepreneurs who combine courage, technical acumen, and operational expertise. Builders VC […]

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Financial Projections: Financing

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Any financing you have must also be accounted for in the financial statements.   You’ll need to set up a tab in your spreadsheet to capture the details of a loan, or other types of financing […]

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Investor Connect – Nathan Beckord of Foundersuite

In this episode, Hall welcomes Nathan Beckord, Founder & CEO of Foundersuite. Foundersuite is a collection of tools, wizards, and templates that help startup founders execute more efficiently and effectively. Their goal is to streamline corporate housekeeping, finance, hiring, planning, and investor tasks so persons can focus more on product, sales, and team activities. Their […]

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Financial Projections: Revenues

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. For sales forecasting, begin with your current sales funnel and revenue history. The more you know about your sales process — lead generation, conversion, and time in funnel, the more accurate the forecast will be.  […]

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Investor Connect – Ziad Moukheiber of Boston Harbor Angels

In this episode, Hall welcomes Ziad Moukheiber, President & CEO of Boston Harbor Angels. Founded around 2005, Boston Harbor Angels, like a lighthouse, helps entrepreneurs navigate and grow their startup businesses through the treacherous waters of an increasingly competitive environment in our global economy. Boston Harbor Angels is a group of proven business leaders interested […]

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Financial Projections: Personnel Expenses

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. In setting up for your financial projections model, personnel is straightforward to forecast. Each employee has a salary, benefits, and payroll taxes.   Payroll taxes are a calculation off of the salary.  Commissions need to be […]

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Investor Perspectives on The Future of Work: Mireya Manigault of Foundation LLC/WeDemption

In today’s show you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the Future of Work. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.  COVID-19 has changed the landscape for startups giving us a new normal. We have joining us today, Mireya […]

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Financial Projections: COGS

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Cost of Goods Sold, called COGS forecasting, represents the cost to build and deliver your product or service. This includes the cost to build the product or hours to deliver the service.  In most cases, […]

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Purpose of Financial Projections

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. Financial projections also called the pro forma, is a key document you’ll need for your fundraise.  Investors will want to see detailed, five-year financial projections as it shows you’ve thought through the financial side of […]

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Investor Connect – Robert Tushinsky of 2XL Swagger Brands

In this episode, Hall welcomes Robert Tushinsky, Founder and CEO of 2XL Swagger Brands. Founded in 2012, 2XL Swagger Brands is a spirit and lifestyle brand that produces herb-infused spirits for him and her with highly-differentiated branding. 2XL’s vodka-based liqueurs are infused with a blend of herbs with known benefits in the libido and mood-boosting […]

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Bottom-Up Forecasting

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are two approaches to financial forecasting for startups. The first is top-down forecasting. The second is bottom-up forecasting. Bottom-up forecasting uses the company’s historical data for cost and sales. It takes a micro view […]

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Top-Down Forecasting

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. There are two approaches to financial forecasting for startups. The first is top-down forecasting. Top down takes a macro perspective by using the overall market sizes and industry estimates for your type of business.  The […]

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Investor Perspectives: Future Outlook on the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.  It’s the time of COVID-19. Cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. and is gaining rapid adoption. […]

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Outputs of the Financial Model

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. A financial model provides three outputs. Key financial statements, an operational cash-flow forecast, and key metrics for the business. Key financial statements include the profit and loss statement (called P&L), the balance sheet (BS), and […]

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Cash Flow Is King of the Financial Statements

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The most important financial statement is the cash flow statement because cash is the most important financial metric for the business. If you run out of cash then you most likely will have to put […]

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Investor Perspectives: COVID-19-Proofing the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.  It’s the time of COVID-19. Cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. and is gaining rapid adoption. […]

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Financial Projections: Best Case Worst case

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. After completing the financial projections, you may want to create various scenarios of your financial model.  Startups are often optimistic, while investors are pessimistic. You may want to create a best-case scenario and a worst-case […]

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Investor Perspectives: Regulatory Trends in the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.  It’s the time of COVID-19. Cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. and is gaining rapid adoption. […]

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The Elevator Pitch

Hello, this is Hall T. Martin with the Startup Funding Espresso — your daily shot of startup funding and investing. The elevator pitch is the short-form version of your presentation for investor opportunities that give you a limited amount of time. The key to an elevator pitch is not to talk faster, but rather to […]

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Investor Connect – Chris Willis and Will Garner of Latitude Consultancy Ltd.

In this episode, Hall welcomes Chris Willis, Managing Director, Government Advisory & Programme Delivery, and Will Garner, U.S. Immigration Lawyer and Strategic Partner at Latitude Consultancy Limited. Latitude’s team of specialists offers leading insight and expertise to investors who are prepared to make an important economic contribution to gain residency or citizenship privileges in a […]

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Investor Perspectives: Products and Technology Trends in the Cannabis Market

In today’s show, you’ll hear investor perspectives on the COVID-19 impact on the cannabis market. This is Investor Perspectives, I’m the host of Investor Connect, Hall T Martin, where we connect startups and investors for funding.  It’s the time of COVID-19. Cannabis is currently gaining regulatory approval across the U.S. and is gaining rapid adoption. […]

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