Investor Connect

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Discussion Topics

Investor Connect – Craig Vaughan of Vaughan Capital Advisors

In this episode, Hall interviews Craig Vaughan of Vaughan Capital Advisors. Craig talks about his background, how he started VCA, their focus on media and consumer technology, and how VCA helps founders and owner/operators achieve successful outcomes from the mergers & acquisitions process.

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Investor Connect – Thomas Hawes of Sandbox Industries

In this episode, Hall T. Martin interviews Thomas Hawes of Sandbox Industries.

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Investor Connect – Michael Falcon of Bandgap Ventures

In this episode, Hall T. Martin interviews Michael Falcon of Bandgap Ventures.

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Investor Connect – Christopher Mirabile of Launchpad Venture Group

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Christopher Mirabile, Managing Director of Launchpad Venture Group.

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Investor Connect – Julie Smith of Medici Ventures

In this episode, Hall T. Martin interviews Julie Smith, director of Medici Ventures. Medici Ventures is a wholly owned subsidiary of, Inc., created to manage and oversee the company’s investments in firms building solutions leveraging and servicing blockchain technologies. Hall and Julie speak about Medici’s investments in cryptocurrency and their goal of advancing blockchain.

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Investor Connect – Chris Marks of Blue Note Ventures

In this episode, Hall T. Martin interviews Chris Marks, the founder and managing partner of Blue Note Ventures. Chris has been investing in early-stage technology companies and working with entrepreneurs for over 15 years. They speak about Blue Note’s investments, and Chris talks a little about the company, as well as what Blue Note looks […]

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Investor Connect – Randy Goldsmith of Rapamycin Holdings

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Randy Goldsmith, founder and director of Rapamycin Holdings. Rapamycin Holdings is a San Antonio-based company that is developing and commercializing a patented oral formulation of Rapamycin for the prevention of cancer progression and recurrence. Hall and Randy discuss his background in the industry. They also […]

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Investor Connect – Brett Hurt of

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Brett Hurt of is an Austin-based platform that helps people who work with data solve problems faster by creating new ways to discover, prep, and collaborate. Brett and Hall speak about Brett’s journey in angel investing and he came to found They […]

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Investor Connect – Vaughn Blake of Autochrome Ventures

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Vaughn Blake, the managing director of Autochrome Ventures, an inception and seed stage venture capital fund. They speak about Autochrome and their VC model and focus on applied frontier and emerging technologies. Hall and Vaughn also discuss how Autochrome came to focus on underserved technologies […]

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Investor Connect – Ryan Pollock of Iron Gate Capital

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Ryan Pollock of Iron Gate Capital. Ryan joined Iron Gate Capital in March 2013 and is a Managing Director. They speak about Iron Gate and their investment portfolio. Hall and Jeremy also discuss startups and their business models as well as what Iron Gate looks […]

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Investor Connect – Jeremy Arendt of Cottonwood Venture Partners

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Jeremy Arendt of Cottonwood Venture Partners, a Texas-based venture capital firm partnering with companies that provide digital solutions for the oil & gas industry. They speak about CVP and their investments. They also speak about key sectors in the oil and gas industry and how […]

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Investor Connect – Candice Landry of 10e5

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Candice Landry founder of 10e5 Solutions. 10e5 Solutions helps investors, technology firms, and attorneys through the three major phases of the innovation lifecycle.

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Investor Connect – West Monroe Partners

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Mark Huson and Scott Fuzer, of West Monroe Partners, a multinational management and technology consulting firm headquartered in Chicago, IL.

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Investor Connect – Andrew Romans of Rubicon Ventures

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Andrew Romans of Rubicon Venture Capital, a fund on the cutting edge of venture capital technology.

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Investor Connect – Bill Feldott

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with angel investor Bill Feldott. Bill talks about his personal experience with angel investing with startups and the lessons he’s learned, in particular with companies with which he has a personal relationship via family or friends.

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Investor Connect – John Shaw of CTAN

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with John Shaw of the Central Texas Angel Network. John talks with Hall about recent changes at the CTAN group. He also discusses his work on improving the angel network in Austin, and his work on streamlining the angel investment process.

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Investor Connect – Doreen Lorenzo of UT School of Design

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Doreen Lorenzo, the Assistant Dean for the School of Design and Creative Technologies at the University of Texas. Doreen talks about the School, what they are doing, and how they prepare students to work in the design and creative technology fields.

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Investor Connect – Duncan Davidson of BullPen Capital

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Duncan Davidson of BullPen Capital. Duncan talks about how the venture capital community has changed over the past 10-15 years. In particular, he talks about how the increasing need for smaller seed funds drove Duncan and his cofounders to start BullPen Capital. BullPen defined something […]

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Investor Connect – Charlie Carr of PwC

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Charlie Carr of PwC. Charlie has been working with family offices for the past 15 years. Charlie talks about family office investments, his experiences with direct investment, and the trends he is seeing in that sector.

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Investor Connect – Andrew Goldner of GrowthX

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Andrew Goldner of GrowthX Capital. Andrew talks about GrowthX’s model, and why they choose the investments they do. GrowthX looks for startups that are capital-efficient, and invests primarily on software. Their primary focus is on market development: bringing their startups to market.

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Investor Connect – Jeff Pomeranz of Right Side Capital Management

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Jeff Pomeranz of Right Side Capital Management. Jeff talks about how Right Side’s investment model differs from others. Right Side focuses exclusively on pre-seed stage tech startup investing, a generally underserved sector of the market.

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Investor Connect – Erica Lill of Keiretsu Capital

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Erica Lill of the Keiretsu Forum. Erica has been an angel investor and entrepreneur of almost 30 years. She talks about her start with the Keiretsu forum, andthe ins and outs of starting a new fund.

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Investor Connect – David Orandella of ORIX

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with David Orandella, Managing Diretor of ORIX Growth Capital. ORIX is a large, multinational company based out of Tokyo, with U.S. headquarters in Dallas. The Growth Capital division invests primarily in high-growth late-stage venture companies. Typical investments range from 5-50 million, and they focus on companies […]

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Investor Connect – John Backus of PROOF.VC

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with John Backus of PROOF.VC. John has been an early-stage tech investor for 20+ years. He discusses how’s model differs from typical early-stage funds. partners with 30-40 small early-stage funds, and helps them focus their pro rata on their most profitable investments by supporting […]

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Investor Connect – Tony Rimas of Fraser McCombs Capital

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Tony Rimas of Fraser McCombs Capital, a fund in series A and seed investment, now focusing on strategic investments in automotive technology. Fraser McCombs has also recently made increased investment in automotive retail, as well as ridesharing.

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Investor Connect – Nathaniel Houghton of NextGen

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Nathaniel Houghton, formerly of NextGen Venture Partners, a successful fund investor and network of venture partners. Nathaniel focused on working with their portfolio companies and their sales and marketing strategies.

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Investor Connect – Ross Blankenship

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Ross Blankenship, Chief Investment Officer & Chairman of Angel Kings. Angel Kings is the leading venture capital fund and angel investing group focused on early-stage investments in biotechnology, drug discovery, and scientific innovation for patients and physicians.

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Investor Connect – Alessandro Piol

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Alessandro Piol, co-founder of Vedanta Capital,  a successful investor in growth stage companies in the information & communications technologies (ICT), life sciences and global commerce industries.

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Investor Connect – Howie Diamond of Ranch Ventures

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Howie Diamond, the Managing Director for Ranch Ventures,  a a progressive, early stage investment firm based in San Francisco.

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Investor Connect – Sammy Abdullah of Blossom Street

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Sammy Abdullah, the Board Chairman for Blossom Street Ventures,  a successful investor group based in Dallas.

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Investor Connect – Austin Childs of Bay Angels

In this episode, Hall T. Martin conducts an interview with Austin Childs, the Investment Manager for Bay Angels,  a successful Angel Investor group based in Silicon Valley.

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Investor Connect – Saurabh Khetrapal

In this episode, Hall Martin is joined by Saurabh Khetrapal, a successful Angel Investor.  Saurabh has a history of coming from both sides of “the deal experience” – as an entrepreneur, and also guiding entrepreneurs as an angel investor. He has worked both in Silicon Valley and in Austin, Texas, and he specializes in the […]

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AngelConnect Investory Podcast

Investor Connect is a portal for investors interested in learning about startup and growth stage company funding. It includes a discussion board and a podcast series of interviews with investors that is provided to inform angel investors about the process of funding startups. Experienced investors share their experiences and advice to those who are considering […]

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30 – Interview with David Wieland of the Irish Angels

In this episode, Hall Martin conducts an informal interview with David Wieland, who was a co-founder of the Irish Angels–an affiliated, but separate, group with the University of Notre Dame.

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Investor Connect – Will Szczerbiak of Greycroft Partners

In this episode, Hall interviews Will Szczerbiak, a Senior Associate of Graycroft Partners.

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28- Jay Zeidman discusses the Digital Health Space with Hall Martin

In this episode, Hall Martin interviews Jay Zeidmanof RESOLUTE VENTURE PARTNERS.As the chief principal of, Hallalso leads the podcast interviews on

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27 – Chris Burney of the San Antonio Angel Network

In this episode, Hall Martin of interviews Chris Burney, the Executive Director of the San Antonio Angel Network — which is a network of accredited Investors,high-growth startups and service providers as sponsors.

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17–Ed Fikse shares his 7 criteria for an angel investment

Show notes for, episode 17:  Ed Fikse 17. Ed Fiske shares his 7 Criteria for InvestmentIn this episode, Hall Martin of the Austin Angel Network interviews Fikse of the Baylor Angel Network (BAN). As a member of the board of the BAN, Ed delivers his seven points or criteria for investment opportunities.As you will […]

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Thomas Williams talks about Investing in Restaurants

Show notes for Angel Connect, episode 14:  Thomas Williamson this episode, Hall Martin of, interviews Thomas Williams, an investor in consumer product goods and restaurants. He is especially interested in micro-breweries, beer, and good food as a growing environment.The cases-in-point which he describes in this discussionare Zilker Brewery in Austin, Texas, and Haymaker. (                              ( Williams stresses that […]

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Episode 11 of ANGEL CONNECT PODCAST: Vinod of PeachTree from TieCon Silicon Valley 2014

Show notes for Episode 11 of ANGEL CONNECT PODCAST: Vinod of PeachTree from TieCon Silicon Valley 2014================================================== In this episode of the ANGEL CONNECT PODCAST SHOW,Hall Martin interviews Vinod of Peachtree from the TieConSilicon Valley 2014 conference. Vinod is part of Indian Angel Network, which is India’s largest Angel group,which takes on investments from 100,000 […]

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07–Nick Mysore of TiECon South 2014

Shownotes for episode 7- Nick Mysore In this episode of the Angel Connect Podcast show, Hall Martin continues the discussion of mentorship with Nick Mysore. As you will hear in this audio episode, Nick will outline how to create what he calls “customer delight.” He explains:  – how to create a quality “pitch” as an entrepreneur; […]

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05- George Brodie at TiECon South 2014

SHOW NOTES FOR EPISODE 5 —ANGEL CONNECT PODCAST —Interview with George Brodie In this episode of the Angel Connect podcast show, Hall Martin interviews George Brodie at the TiECon South conference in Texas. This interview deals with the TiE Mentorship program,including examples with potential Angel Investors, as wellas suggestions.  In fact, the mentorship values rely onthe pro-active networking and participation of the mentee.He […]

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02- Interview with Keith Larson

In this episode of the Angel Connect podcast show, Hall Martin  interviews Keith Larson of the TiE Rocky chapter. The discussion deals with the TiE growth in Colorado, as well as Mr. Larson’s experience in networking and mentoring or education. For a summary of Mr. Larson’s biography,select this link for the pdf bio document: link […]

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Keith Larsen

Mr. Larson has over 30 years of experience in senior leadership roles.  He has well-rounded experience inSales, Finance, Operations, and Human Resources. Since 2006, Keith has been the president of SKiLBusiness Advisors where he has helped companies increase sales and improve profitability. In addition,he has coached several startups and early stage companies to success. Mr. […]

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What is AngelConnect

AngelConnect is a podcast series of interviews with investors that is provided to inform angel investors about the process of funding startups. In this program, experienced investors share their experiences and advice to those who are considering an investment into startups and growth companies. AngelConnect is a community program. We welcome your suggestions for speakers […]

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